Is Putting Itr on the Kafn Permissible

CategoriesDeath & Burial [177]

Fatwa ID: 04686

Answered by: Maulana Ishaaq Hussain




1) Is putting itr on the kafn permissible?

2) Please explain the position of Muwatta Imam Malik.

3) If someone made wasiyah for so and so to bathe him, to give him kafan, to pray his janazah salaah, etc. Will the wasiyah be fulfilled whereas the wali has more rights for these things?

4) What answer can be given about the qamees to the riwayah of Saheeh Bukhari that there was no qamees and imamah in the kafan of Rasoululullaah (SAW)?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


Answer 1


Once the deceased has been bathed, one should fragrance the kafn/shroud with smoke from burning incense (like Luban, etc) an odd number of times.


It is mentioned in the books of Fiqh that it is mustahab for the kafn/shroud to be fragranced with some good fragrance and camphor should be placed on those parts upon which one prostate i.e. the forehead, palms, knees, etc.


However, those fragrances which are prohibited for men in their lifetime, such as Saffron will not be allowed to be used on the deceased. (Fatawah Mahmoodiyyah p.399 v.2)


Answer 2


Imam Malik (RA) composed the Muwatta over a period of forty years to represent the ‘well-trodden path’ of the people of Madinah.


Its name also means that it is the book that is ‘many times agreed upon’ about whose contents the people of Madinah were unanimously agreed.


Its high standing is such that people of every school of Fiqh and all of the imams of Ahadeeth agree upon its authenticity. So much so, that Imam Shafi (RA) said, “There is not on the face of the earth after the book of Allah a book which is more Sahih than the book of Malik.”


However, the scholars of Hadeeth unanimously agree that the Sahih of Imam Bukhari (RA) is more authentic than that of Imam Malik. They have mentioned with regards to Imam Shafi’s opinion mentioned above that at that time, Sahih Bukhari was not existent, therefore what Imam Shafi said regarding the Muwatta would stand correct.


Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani (RA) said: “The unqualified truth is that all of the Muwatta is Sahih without any exception.”


Shah Wali Allah Dehlwi (RA) said: “My chest expanded and I became certain that the Muwatta is the most Sahih book to be found on the earth after the book of Allah.”

(Extracted from Muwatta Imam Muhammad, with reference to Shaikh Abdul Hay Lacknowi’s Taleek ul Mumajjad)



Answer 3


The closest relatives of the deceased have the primary right to bathe the deceased. It is better that they do it themselves. (Death and Inheritance p.37 with reference to Durrul Mukhtar)


If the deceased made a Wasiyah that such and such a person will bathe me and he will lead my Janazah prayer, then such a wasiyah becomes void (Baatil), it is not compulsory to fulfill this wasiyah. (Umdatul Fiqh p 527 v 2)



Answer 4


The Sunnah shroud of a man is Izar (lower cloth); Qamis (shirt) and Lifafah (covering). The minimum is Izar and Lifafah. To only use one cloth is Makrooh. (Mukhtasar Quduuri p101)


The Ahadeeth that you have mentioned are both narrated by Saidah Aisha Radiyallahu Anha


The Scholars of Ahaadeeth have given the following interpretations to the Hadeeth:

Some scholars have mentioned that at that time the Qamis was not available, whereas some Hanafi Scholars have said that not having a qamis means that there was not a ‘new qamis’ available, and some have given the meaning, that ‘no qamis’ here means that Qamis which Rasululaah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was bathed in. (Kanzul Mutawari, Commentary of Sahih Bukhari p.143 v.7)




Only Allah Knows Best

Written by Maulana Ishaaq Hussain

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham



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