Is Salam in Salaah Compulsory

CategoriesSalaah [976]

Fatwa ID: 05390


Answered by: Mufti Jamal Ahmed




I got two questions regarding the ending salams of Salah.

  1. If one was praying. He made salam to the right side then at the second salam he didn’t say as-salam fully because of doubt but instead he repeated it again saying assalamualeykom warahmatullah.

Will it be valid?


  1. Is there any ikhtilaf in the Hanafi school regarding if both as-salam is wajib or only by saying assalamualeykom once to the right? As I have learned it is wajib to say as-salam twice.


In the name of Allah the most Beneficent, the Most Merciful




By only saying the word “assalamu” a person exits the salah even if he did not utter the word “alaikum”. (Ahsanul Fatawa, pg. 25, vol. 3, HM Saeed Company.) Therefore, in your case, your salah is valid though you did not complete the whole salaam, and the extra salaam will not affect the salah.


According to Hanafi school of thought, it is wajib to do salaam twice.


ﻭ” ‍ﻳ‍‍ﺠ‍‍ﺐ‍ “‍ﻟ‍‍ﻔ‍‍ﻆ‍ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺴ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﺎ‍ﻡ‍” ‍ﻣ‍‍ﺮ‍ﺗ‍‍ﻴ‍‍ﻦ‍ ‍ﻓ‍‍ﻲ‍ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻴ‍‍ﻤ‍‍ﻴ‍‍ﻦ‍ ‍ﻭ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻴ‍‍ﺴ‍‍ﺎ‍ﺭ ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻤ‍‍ﻮ‍ﺍ‍ﻇ‍‍ﺒ‍‍ﺔ ‍ﻭ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻢ‍ ‍ﻳ‍‍ﻜ‍‍ﻦ‍ ‍ﻓ‍‍ﺮ‍ﺿ‍‍ﺎ ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺤ‍‍ﺪ‍ﻳ‍‍ﺚ‍ ‍ﺍ‍ﺑ‍‍ﻦ‍ ‍ﻣ‍‍ﺴ‍‍ﻌ‍‍ﻮ‍ﺩ “‍ﺩ‍ﻭ‍ﻥ‍ ‍ﻋ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻴ‍‍ﻜ‍‍ﻢ‍” ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺤ‍‍ﺼ‍‍ﻮ‍ﻝ‍ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻤ‍‍ﻘ‍‍ﺼ‍‍ﻮ‍ﺩ ‍ﺑ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻔ‍‍ﻆ‍ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺴ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﺎ‍ﻡ‍ ‍ﺩ‍ﻭ‍ﻥ‍ ‍ﻣ‍‍ﺘ‍‍ﻌ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻘ‍‍ﻪ‍ ‍ﻭ‍ﻳ‍‍ﺘ‍‍ﺠ‍‍ﻪ‍ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻮ‍ﺟ‍‍ﻮ‍ﺏ‍ ‍ﺑ‍‍ﺎ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻤ‍‍ﻮ‍ﺍ‍ﻇ‍‍ﺒ‍‍ﺔ ‍ﻋ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻴ‍‍ﻪ‍ ‍ﺃ‍ﻳ‍‍ﻀ‍‍ﺎ.

(Maraqial Falah, pg. 95)


(‍ﻭ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻔ‍‍ﻆ‍ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺴ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﺎ‍ﻡ‍) ‍ﻣ‍‍ﺮ‍ﺗ‍‍ﻴ‍‍ﻦ‍ ‍ﻓ‍‍ﺎ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺜ‍‍ﺎ‍ﻧ‍‍ﻲ‍ ‍ﻭ‍ﺍ‍ﺟ‍‍ﺐ‍ ‍ﻋ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻰ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺄ‍ﺻ‍‍ﺢ‍ ‍ﺑ‍‍ﺮ‍ﻫ‍‍ﺎ‍ﻥ‍, ‍ﺩ‍ﻭ‍ﻥ‍ ‍ﻋ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻴ‍‍ﻜ‍‍ﻢ‍; ‍ﻭ‍ﺗ‍‍ﻨ‍‍ﻘ‍‍ﻀ‍‍ﻲ‍ ‍ﻗ‍‍ﺪ‍ﻭ‍ﺓ ‍ﺑ‍‍ﺎ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺄ‍ﻭ‍ﻝ‍ ‍ﻗ‍‍ﺒ‍‍ﻞ‍ ‍ﻋ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻴ‍‍ﻜ‍‍ﻢ‍ ‍ﻋ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻰ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻤ‍‍ﺸ‍‍ﻬ‍‍ﻮ‍ﺭ ‍ﻋ‍‍ﻨ‍‍ﺪ‍ﻧ‍‍ﺎ ‍ﻭ‍ﻋ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻴ‍‍ﻪ‍ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺸ‍‍ﺎ‍ﻓ‍‍ﻌ‍‍ﻴ‍‍ﺔ ‍ﺧ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﺎ‍ﻓ‍‍ﺎ ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﺘ‍‍ﻜ‍‍ﻤ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﺔ.  (‍ﻗ‍‍ﻮ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻪ‍ ‍ﺩ‍ﻭ‍ﻥ‍ ‍ﻋ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻴ‍‍ﻜ‍‍ﻢ‍) ‍ﻓ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻴ‍‍ﺲ‍ ‍ﺑ‍‍ﻮ‍ﺍ‍ﺟ‍‍ﺐ‍ ‍ﻋ‍‍ﻨ‍‍ﺪ‍ﻧ‍‍ﺎ.

(Raddul Muhtar, pg. 468, vol. 1, Darul Fikr)


قال في الدر المختار ما نصه. (‍ﻭ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻔ‍‍ﻆ‍ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺴ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﺎ‍ﻡ‍) ‍ﻣ‍‍ﺮ‍ﺗ‍‍ﻴ‍‍ﻦ‍ ‍ﻓ‍‍ﺎ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺜ‍‍ﺎ‍ﻧ‍‍ﻲ‍ ‍ﻭ‍ﺍ‍ﺟ‍‍ﺐ‍ ‍ﻋ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻰ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺄ‍ﺻ‍‍ﺢ‍ ‍ﺑ‍‍ﺮ‍ﻫ‍‍ﺎ‍ﻥ‍. وقال تحته ابن عابدين رحمه الله، (‍ﻗ‍‍ﻮ‍ﻟ‍‍ﻪ‍ ‍ﻋ‍‍ﻠ‍‍ﻰ ‍ﺍ‍ﻟ‍‍ﺄ‍ﺻ‍‍ﺢ‍) ‍ﻭ‍ﻗ‍‍ﻴ‍‍ﻞ‍ ‍ﺳ‍‍ﻨ‍‍ﺔ ‍ﻓ‍‍ﺘ‍‍ﺢ‍.


(Raddul Muhtar, pg. 468, vol. 1, Darul Fikr)




Only Allah knows best.

Written by Mufti Jamal Ahmed

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham





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