Is the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam Noor

Categories'Aqaid [225]

Is the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam Noor

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.



There are many verses in the Holy Quran which indicates clearly that the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam was a human being (bashr). One of the clearest sign of his humanity is that Allah caused him to die as he causes all souls to die.

Allah (SWA) in the Holy Qur’an has said in the following verses:

1.      “Say (O Muhammad): I am only a man like you. It has been revealed to me that your Ilaah (God) is One Ilaah” (Surah Kahf v.110)

2.      “And We did not create them (the Messengers, with) bodies that ate not food, nor were they immortals” (Surah Al-Anbiya v.8)

3.      “And they say: Why does this Messenger (Muhammad) eat food, and walk about in the markets (as we)…?” (Surah Furqaan v.8)

Furthermore, the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam prohibited us from exaggerating in his qualities and deny that the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam was a Human Being. The Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam said, “Do not exaggerate about me as was exaggerated about Isa Bin Maryam Alayhis Salam. Say (I am) the slave of Allah and His Messenger.” (Sahih Bukhari p.1009 v.2)

The belief of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah is that Allah (SWA) created the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam out of (Noor) light before any other thing and it was a created light. This noor is never a part from Allah’s noor. The Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam is the light of guidance, that through this guidance, many have found guidance. (Fatawa Mahmoodiyah p.102 v.1)

Only Allah Knows Best

Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






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