Janazah Questions

CategoriesDeath & Burial [177]

Fatwa ID: 05477


Answered by: Alimah Safiyya-Maryam Ahmed




I’d like to know what’s the masala regarding:

  1. A lady requested to read dua aloud once a mayyit leaves the home
  2. Reading from fadhaail a’maal and/ fadhaail sadaqaat once the mayyit leaves
  3. Reading various tasbeehaat on beads after the mayyit.
  4. Reading Quraan khatams and yaseen khatam after mayyit
  5. Reading of Yaseen and other Surahs aloud (for ladies) while the person is in sakraat.
  6. Before the Janazah leaves the home, is it permissible for men to make dua aloud and for men to read Quraan aloud?
  7. The sunnah method of what is done before and after a mayyit leaves the home. 
  8. The Sunnah method of conducting ourselves at a funeral



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




There are many things associated with janazahs that are neither commanded nor prohibited from, such as your questions 1-4, so if they are Islamically sound (i.e. not haram activities) and a person is not assuming them to be sunnah or forcing them upon people, then there is no harm in these things you have mentioned. As for doing things like reciting Qur’an, doing dhikr, giving charity etc. with the intention of conveying the reward to the deceased with the permission of Allah, then this is something which is permitted.


  1. Reading duaa out aloud in congregation is permissible as established from the Sunnah of the Prophet [s]. However private duaas are better, for Allah Azzawajjal says, “Supplicate to your Lord humbly and secretly. Surely, He does not like those who cross the limits.” [7:155]
  2. There is no harm in reciting from books of hadith and tafseer etc. with the intention to teach, remind and motivate people [51:55]
  3. Remaining engaged in the dhikr of Allah Ta’ala and performing tasbeehaat is virtuous [33:41], at the very least it will keep people focussed on religious thought rather than in vain talking
  4. There is no harm in doing Qur’an khatams where people get together to recite the Qur’an as long as one does not consider them as an essential part of the Deen or funeral rites. Each person should ideally recite quietly, as reading out aloud will go against the command of the Quran for people to listen attentively when the Qur’an is being recited- So pay attention and listen quietly when the Quran is recited, so that you may be given mercy.” [7:204]
  5. It is recommended to recite Surah Yasin and Surah Ra’d at the head of a person who is close to death
  6. It is permissible for men to read Qur’an aloud, ideally at the graveside. Ibn Umar [r] used to prefer to recite the beginning and end of Surah Baqarah straight after the burial whilst still at the graveyard. Surah Fatihah, AyatulKursi, Surah Mulk, Surah Takathur, or anything one finds easy can be recited with the intention of conveying the reward to the deceased.
  7. Sunnah method before and after the deceased leaves the home
    1. It is sunnah to place a dying person on their right side, the back is also permissible, and slightly raise the head so the face can be towards the Qiblah. The shahadahلا الله الا الله should be recited out aloud next to the dying person in order to encourage them to say it but they should not be commanded or forced to do so. It is rewardable for his close family and friends to be around him giving him water and offering words of consolation and reminders of Allah’s mercy. Surah Yasin and Surah Ra’dshould be recited by his head, and it is better for people who are in a state of major ritual impurity to leave
    2. Once the person passed away their mouth should be tied shut and eyes closed. They should be covered up with a cloth and their hands placed by their side. People can be informed of the Janazah so as many people as possible can make the salah. All Janazah and burial arrangements should be hastened as much as possible out of honour for the deceased.
    3. As for the recitation of the Qur’an close to the deceased before their ghusl is done, there is a difference of opinion regarding it but the taken fatwa is that there is no harm in it.
  8. Sunnah method of conducting ourselves at a funeral.
    1. When going to a funeral or to pay respects we should remain dignified and act according to the Sunnah of the Prophet [s]. Islamic form and etiquette should always apply so proper hijab and segregation should be observed, non-mahrams are not allowed to look at the face of the deceased and no haram activities should be taking place. We offer kind and comforting words and duaas to the family, we do not sit for long periods of time, we do not expect food from the family of the deceased rather we should try to assist in making it for them, we do not pry into private details of the deceased’s life or talk bad about them, we do not talk about worldly things or backbite, and we use each funeral as an opportunity to reflect upon the reality of our own lives and our inevitable meeting with our Creator.



Only Allah knows best

Written by Alimah Safiyya-Maryam Ahmed

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

DarulIfta Birmingham





-1 -أنيقالعنده: “سلامعلىالمرسلينوالحمدللهربالعالمين،لمثلهذافليعملالعاملون،وَعْدٌغيرمكذوب”.

-2 – أنيُشدّلِحيَاه (1) بعصابةعريضةتعمّهماتُربطفوقالرأس.

-3 – أنتُغمضعيناهويقال: “بسماللهوعلىملةرسولالله. اللهميسّرعليهأمره،وسهِّلعليهمابعده،وأَسعِدهبلقائك،واجعلماخرجإليهخيراًمماخرجعنه”. لمارويعنبكربنعبداللهبنعبداللهقال: “إذاغمضتالميتفقل: بسماللهوعلىملةرسولاللهصلىاللهعليهوسلم. وإذاحملتهفقلبسماللهثمسبحمادمتتحمله” (2) ، وعنشدادبنأوسقال: قالرسولاللهصلىاللهعليهوسلم: (إذاحضرتمموتاكمفأَغْمِضواالبصر،فإنالبصريتبعالروح. وقولواخيراً،فإنالملائكةتؤمِّنعلىماقالأهلالبيت) (3) .وعنأمسلمةرضياللهعنهاقالت: دخلرسولاللهصلىاللهعليهوسلمعلىأبيسلمةوقدشقّبصره. فأغمضه.. ثمقال: (اللهماغفرلأبيسلمةوارفعدرجتهفيالمهديينواخلفهفيعقبهفيالغابرين. واغفرلنالهياربالعالمين. وافسحلهفيقبره. ونوّرلهفيه) (4) .

-4 أنيسجّىبثوب، لماروتعائشةأمالمؤمنينرضياللهعنهاقالت: (سجّيرسولاللهصلىاللهعليهوسلمحينماتبثوبحبرة) (5) .ويحضرعندهطبيب.

-5 – وضعثِقَلأوحديدةعلىبطنهلئلاينتفخ، روىالبيهقيقال: “متمولىلأنسبنمالكعندمغيبالشمس، فقالأنسرضياللهعنه: ضعواعلىبطنهحديدة” (6) .

-6 – وضعيديهبجنبيه (7) ولايجوزوضعهماعلىصدره (8) .

-7 – تليينمفاصلهوأصابعهليسهلغسلهوإدراجهفيالكفن.

-8 – لابأسبإعلامالناسبموتهلتكثيرالمصلينعليه. لمارويعنأنسرضياللهعنه (أنالنبيصلىاللهعليهوسلمنعىزيداًوجعفراًوابنرواحةللناسقبلأنيأتيهمخبرهم) (9) .وليؤديأقاربهوأصدقاؤهحقه،لاعلىجهةالتفخيموالإفراطفيالمدح.

ويجبالتعجيل (10) بتجهيزهإكراماًله، لمارويعنالنبيصلىاللهعليهوسلمأنهقال: (وعجلوافإنهلاينبغيلجيفةمسلمأنتحبسبينظهرانيأهله) (11) .

أماتلاوةالقرآنبقربالميتقبلغسلهفاختلففيهاحسبالخلاففينجاسةالميت. فمنقال: إننجاستهنجاسةخبثكرهقراءةالقرآنبقربهتنزيهاًللقرآنعنالنجاسة، ومنقالبأنهانجاسةحدثقال: لامانعمنقراءةالقرآنعنده. وهذاهوالمعتمد. فعنعائشةرضياللهعنهاقالت: (رأيترسولصلىاللهعليهوسلميقبّلعثمانبنمظعونوهوميتحتىرأيتالدموعتسيل) (12) .وروىالبخاريتعليقاً (13) عنابنعباسرضياللهعنهما: “المسلملاينجسحياًولاميتاً” (14) ، ورويعنهأيضاًقال: قالرسولاللهصلىاللهعليهوسلم: (لاتنجسواموتاكم،فإنالمسلمليسبنجسحياًولاميتاً(كتابفقهالعباداتعلىالمذهبالحنفي, الباب العاشر الجنائز, المكتبة الشاملة الحديثة)

مطلب: الاستماعللقرآنفرضكفايةوفيشرحالمنية: والأصلأنالاستماعللقرآنفرضكفايةلأنهلإقامةحقهبأنيكونملتفتاإليهغيرمضيعوذلكيحصلبإنصاتالبعض (رد المحتار,مطلب: الاستماع للقرآن فرض كفاية)

 قولهويقرأيس )لماورد [ ص: 243 ] { مندخلالمقابرفقرأسورةيسخففاللهعنهميومئذ،وكانلهبعددمنفيهاحسنات } بحر . وفيشرحاللبابويقرأمنالقرآنماتيسرلهمنالفاتحةوأولالبقرةإلىالمفلحونوآيةالكرسي – وآمنالرسول – وسورةيسوتباركالملكوسورةالتكاثروالإخلاصاثنيعشرمرةأوإحدىعشرأوسبعاأوثلاثا،ثميقول : اللهمأوصلثوابماقرأناهإلىفلانأوإليهم . اهـ .مطلبفي القراءةللميتوإهداءثوابهاله [ تنبيه ]


(رد المحتار, كتاب الصلاة, باب صلاة الجنازة)





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