Latest time for Salah

CategoriesSalaah [976]

When is the latest time to perform a prayer, for eg: zohr prayers are at 1.01pm and asr is at 4.49m, when would zohr be qadha?? and if maghrib is at 7.47, when will asr be qadha?

i know ‘innas-salaata kaanat a’lal mu’mineena kitaaban mawqoota’ which translates to something along the lines of ‘surely the prayers are at prescribed times for mu’mineen’

i would still like to educate myself & my family as to when they would be qadha and when the latest time to pray them without being qadha is, to ensure we do not make our prayers qadha when out of home/at work/in the shops etc

jazak allah khair brother

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.



FAJR PRAYER: The beginning of the time of Fajr Prayer is when the second dawn (Subhe Sadiq) rises, and that is the lateral whiteness on the horizon. The end of its time is as long as the sun has not risen (Sunrise).


ZUHR PRAYER: The beginning of the time of Zuhr is when the sun declines (after Zawaal). The end of its time is when the shadow of everything becomes twice its length in addition to the shadow at midday.


ASR PRAYER: The beginning of the time of Asr is when the time of Zuhr departs. The end of its time is as long as the sun has not set.


MAGHRIB PRAYER: The beginning of the time for Maghrib is when the sun has set. The end of it’s time is as long as the twilight has not disappeared. The twilight is the whiteness on the horizon after the redness.


ISHA PRAYER: The beginning of the time is when the twilight has disappeared. The end of its time is as long as the dawn (Subhe Sadiq) has not yet risen. The beginning of the time for Witr Prayer is after Ishaa. The end of its time is as long as the dawn has not yet risen. (Subhe Sadiq).


With regards to your question, one must read their prayers before their designated time. If one does not, then the prayer will become qadha. For example, if sunrise is at 6am then one has to read it before then, otherwise it will become qadhaa. (Raddul Muhtar p.12- p.18 v.2)


In regards to the Asr salah it is slightly different. If a person due to some pressing need hadn’t read his Asr that day, one will be allowed to read it until sunset. However, before sunset when the sun turns red and one can directly look at it, which is approximately 20 minutes before sunset, then it is Makruh to read in that time. As mentioned above if one hadn’t performed his Asr that day leeway exists, if not to delay it until the last 20 minutes will be Makruh Tahrimi. (Raddul Muhtar P.26 V.2)


Only Allah Knows Best


Mohammed Tosir Miah


Darul Ifta Birmingham.

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