Madhi Coming Out at Random Times Without Any Desires

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 06692


Answered by: Alimah Zakiratul Hoque




A man has a problem that mazi (it’s not urine because it dries) comes out from him at random moments without any feeling or desire. It has become hard for him to maintain his wudhu and due to such a small amount of his impurity coming out it is not felt but instead can be seen on the private part (it’s not a wasawasah)


  • is such a small amount excused without desire and feeling it coming out?
  • he is not a mazur either as he gets time to pray but initially has to repeat prayer many times as his wudhu breaks.



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Anything which comes out of the private area is Hadath (breaker of Wudhu), regardless of the amount (Mukhtarat Al Nawazil, Vol 1, Pg 207). (1) If a person experiences a Hadath throughout a Salah time, to the extent that they cannot perform Wudhu and pray Salah without the Hadath appearing, then they would be considered Ma’zoor until such a time when the Hadath does not appear for a whole Salah time (Raddul Muhtar, Vol 1 Pg 504-505). (2)


If the amount of impurity is less than the size of a Dirham (approximately the size of a 50p coin), then it will be excused, and praying Salah with such an amount on the body or clothes is permissible. However, it is Makruh to do so knowingly when one is capable of removing the impurity (Mukhtarat Al Nawazil, Vol 1, Pg 165). (3)


To conclude, Wudhu will break if Mazi comes out, regardless of the amount. However, this person may be considered Ma’zoor as they need to repeat their prayer multiple times due to Hadath. It would be best to speak to a local Mufti regarding this in more detail. As long as the amount of Mazi on the clothes or body is less than a 50p coin, one may pray whilst wearing it, though it would be Makruh to do so knowingly when he is able to remove it.




كل ما خرج من السبيلين فهو حدث اراد باسبيلين الفرج و الدبر و الذكر معتادا او غير مدتاد و قليلا كان او كثيرا سال او لم يسل



و صاحب العذر من به سلسل بول لا يمكنه امساكه او استطلاق بطن او انفلات ريح او مستحاضة او بعينه رمد او عمش او غرب ، و كذا كل ما يخرج بوجع و لو من اذن و ثدي و سرة ان استوعب عذره تمام وقت صلاة مفروضة بان لا يوجد في جميع وقتها زمنا يتوضأ و يصلي فيه خاليا عن الحدث و لو حكما لان الانقطاع اليسير ملحق بالعدم و هذا شرط العذر في حق الابتداء و في حق البقاء كفي وجوده في جزء من الوقت و لو مرة و في حق الزوال يشترط استيعاب الانقطاع تمام الوقت حقيقة لانه الانقطاع الكامل



النجاسة الغليظة اذا زادت علي قدر الدرهم في ثوب المصلي او بدنه تمنع جواز الصلاة ، و قدر الدرهم و ما دونها لا يمنع عندنا للضرورة و لكن تكره الصلاةمعا اذا كان عالما بها قادرا علي غسلها




Only Allah knows best.

Written by Alimah Zakiratul Hoque

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham







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