Making Up the Fast After Masturbation

CategoriesSawm (fast) [322]

Fatwa ID: 06929


Answered by: Maulana Abdul Malik




As Salaamu Alaykum, if a person was laying down trying to sleep in Ramadan and he wanted a wet dream and had lustful thoughts (before sleep) and if he got an erection, and here and there if he touched his private area (not squeezed) to move it so it doesn’t be uncomfortable, if he did this more than once whilst thinking of lustful thoughts until he got to a point where semen came out and he may have just had his eyes closed but he didn’t pull semen out using his hands and he wasn’t touching his private part when semen came out but it may have been increasing or being stimulated and maybe by feeling the fabric of his pants/feeling the bed that could have triggered it too.


So if this person at a later point thought that broke his fast and so he intended to make it up but he didn’t ask a Scholar if his fast broke, then if after he performed the make up fast he asked and was told the fast would break, has he done the Qada for it already or does he have to do Qada again?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




It is impermissible for a person to sexually stimulate their own genitals for sexual arousal or other sexual pleasure, this is referred to as maturbation. (Al Fatawa al Hindiyyah, pg 188, vol 2)[1]


In this regard, Allah states in the holy Quran, “Those who guard their chastity. except with their wives or those (bondwomen) in their possession, for then they are free from blame. but whoever seeks beyond that are the transgressors”. (Quran, chapter 23, verse 5-7)[2]


Fulfilling one’s sexual desires in any way besides those mentioned above in the verses of Quran will be prohibited and sinful.


Therefore, masturbation is prohibited and the one who masturbates will be sinful.


Subsequently, if a person masturbates whilst fasting and ejaculates then this will nullify the fast. However, only qada will be compulsory and their will be no kaffarah (Al Bada’i al Sana’i, pg 645, vol 2)/(Hashiyat Tahtaawi ala Maraqi al Falah, pg 676)[3]



Therefore, if someone stimulated their own genitals for sexual arousal or pleasure while fasting in the Ramadan then this act nullified their fast. Hence, the individual should repent to Allah for the sin committed and it will be mandatory to make up for that fast which was broken during Ramadan.


Now to answer your question, if the Qada (make up) fast was already performed for the fast broken in Ramadan. It’s not mandatory to repeat the Qada again after consulting with a scholar about the issue.




[1] الاستمناء حرام وفيه التعزير ولو مكن امرأته أو أمته من العبث بذكره فأنزل فإنه مكروه ولا شيء عليه كذا في السراج الوهاج


[2] وَٱلَّذِينَ هُمْ لِفُرُوجِهِمْ حَـٰفِظُونَ إِلَّا عَلَىٰٓ أَزْوَٰجِهِمْ أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَـٰنُهُمْ فَإِنَّهُمْ غَيْرُ مَلُومِينَ


[3] (أو) أنزل (بتفخيذ) أو بتبطين أو عبث بالكف (أو) أنزل من (قبلة أو لمس) لا كفارة عليه لم ذكرنا (أو أفسد صوم غير أداء رمضان) بجماع أو غيره لعدم هتك حرمة الشهر



Only Allah (عز و جل) knows best.

Written by Maulana Abdul Malik

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham







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