Marriage Without a Wali Where There Are Issues Between the Father and Daughter

CategoriesMarriage [758]

Fatwa ID: 05120


Answered by: Maulana Syed Johir Miah




I’m 18 years old and I want to get married to a 25-year-old and I don’t have a wali because I don’t live with my parents and I and my parents have an issue which can’t be resolved and because I don’t have a wali can we still get married or wali is a must and is it valid to marry without a wali.



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




وينعقد نكاح الحرة العاقلة البالغة برضاها وإن لم يعقد عليها ولى بكرا كانت أو ثيبا عند أبي حنيفة وأبي يوسف رحمهما اللهفي ظاهر الرواية

According to the Hanafi Madhab, Nikah of a mature girl without a guardian (Wali) is valid. [1]


This is in the situation where the bride’s guardian is unwilling to give her away during the nikah, then according to Imam Abu Hanifah, the nikah of a woman is valid without the guardian. This would be a last resort and the only one to take when all other means have been tried and exhausted.


According to the Hanafi Madhab, a mature girl has an independent right to get married according to her wish and she does not require the consent of her guardian (wali). If the Nikah was conducted in the presence of two male witnesses or one male and two female witnesses, then the Nikah will be valid.



Only Allah knows best

Written by Maulana Syed Johir Miah

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham




باب في الأولياء والأكفاء

وينعقد نكاح الحرة العاقلة البالغة برضاها وإن لم يعقد عليها ولى بكرا كانت أو ثيبا عند أبي حنيفة وأبي يوسف رحمهما الله «في ظاهر الرواية وعن أبي يوسف» رحمه الله «أنه لا ينعقد إلا بولي وعند محمد ينعقد موقوفا

Hidaya, 191/1, Dar Ihyath Turath, Beirut, Lebanon.

Bidayatul Mubtadi, 59,60/1, Maktabah Muhammad Ali Subh, Cairo, Egypt.

Quduri, 146/1, Darul Kutub Al-Ilmiayyah.1418 H.



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