Marrying a Hindu girl after she has converted to Islam

CategoriesMarriage [758]

Fatwa ID: 01623

Answered by Molana Ishaaq Hussain


Assalamu aleikum. I am in love with a Hindu girl since 2 years. I have also had intercourse with her. Girl wanted to accept islam from heart. so I told to that girl recite Kalmia(la ilaha illallah muhamdur rasulullah).since one year she accepted islam and reciting kalima every day but cannot perform salah in her home because her parents do not know anything about her accepting islam. So can I marry her if my parents permit me?



Zina (Adultery) has been classed as one of the major sins in Islam

Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala has mentioned in the Holy Qur’an: “Do not go near Zina for it is shamelessness and it is an evil way. “ (Surah Bani Israeel v32)

A person who commits Zina not only gets punished in this hereafter but is also punished in this world. Worst of all they invite the wrath of Allah upon themselves.

The Prophet of Allah ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) has said, “There is no sin which is more severe in the eyes of Allah Ta’ala after committing shirk than a person planting semen into a womb which is unlawful.” (Kanzul Ummal )

The Prophet of Allah ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said, “Allah’s anger becomes intense upon the fornicators. “ (Kanzul Ummal)

It is necessary that you repent to Allah Ta’ala straight away for this sin you have committed.

Until you do not marry this woman it is incumbent upon you to cut all connections with this woman.

Having said that, if this girl accepts Islam, she will have to accept the basic beliefs of Islam which are:

  1. God is one. He has neither a partner, nor a son or daughter. He is one in the true sense of the word.
  2. The Prophet of Allah ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) is the last messenger of Allah after whom no prophet of Allah will come.
  3. The Holy Quran is the last of the divine books revealed to the Prophet of Allah ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him), and all its contents are true.
  4. The life hereafter is the eternal life one has to live after his death where he will have to face the fate of his good or evil deeds.
  5. All the teachings given by the Holy Quran or by the Holy Prophet ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) in absolute and unambiguous terms are true and acceptable

Once a person accepts all these fundamental beliefs as true, both verbally and with his heart, he becomes a Muslim.

A further requirement for a convert Muslim is to free himself from those beliefs of his former faith or religion which are not in line with the Islamic beliefs. (Contemporary Fatawa of Mufti Taqi Uthmani (DB) p.269)

It should be borne in mind that it is not a correct practice to embrace Islam for the sake of Marrying a Muslim boy or girl only. If ones real purpose is only to marry a Muslim girl/boy, and he wants to register himself as a Muslim only because he cannot marry the girl/boy without it, while he does not have faith in the basics beliefs of Islam, he/she cannot be a Muslim completely. (ibid)

With regards to your question, as she has accepted Islam it would be permissible for you to marry this woman as long as the conditions of marriage are found.

“The contract of Marriage concluded is through offer (ijaab) and acceptance (kabool)….. The contract of Marriage of Muslims is not concluded unless there are present two Muslims, free, major and sane witnesses, or one male and two women…” (Hidayah p 325-326 v 2)  

Only Allah Knows Best

Written by Molana Ishaaq Hussain

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham

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