Masturbation During Fasting Of Ramadan

CategoriesSawm (fast) [314]


Fatwa ID: 07528




Answered by Moulana Sarfraz Mohammad





I am a 15-year-old boy studying  under the supervision of my parents. In Ramadan 2024, I masturbated during daylight time during fasting. I don’t remember if in Ramadan I knew whether masturbation is haraam or not. But I am sure that in Ramadan I didn’t know that masturbation breaks fast. I don’t remember the exact number of days I masturbated during Ramadan.


My parents don’t know this issue. I don’t want to tell them the issue. Also, I am not financially capable of paying fidya (feeding one person per day).


What should I do?







In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful





If someone masturbates during the daytime in Ramadan, it breaks the fast if ejaculation occurs. The requirement for kaffarah (expiation) does not apply in your case. Instead, you only need to perform qadha (making up the fast) for the days when the fast was broken.


No Fidya is required, fidya is required for those who are permanently unable to fast due to illness or other reasons. Since you are young and healthy, you do not need to pay fidya. Simply focus on making up the missed fasts (qadha).


Since you’re unsure of the number of days, you should estimate to the best of your ability and make up those fasts by fasting later. As for the kaffarah, it is only required for deliberate actions like eating, drinking, or intercourse during the fast, so you do not need to worry about paying Kaffarah in this situation.


Moving forward, seek Allah’s forgiveness (tawbah), resolve not to repeat the mistake, and make up the missed fasts when you are able. You do not need to inform your parents about this, as it is a personal matter between you and Allah.



Allah تعالي Knows Best.


Answered by Moulana Sarfraz Mohammad

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham




الفتاوى الهندية (1/ 205):

“من جامع عمداً في أحد السبيلين فعليه القضاء والكفارة، ولايشترط الإنزال في المحلين، كذا في الهداية. وعلى المرأة مثل ما على الرجل إن كانت مطاوعةً، وإن كانت مكرهةً فعليها القضاء دون الكفارة… إذا أكل متعمداً ما يتغذى به أو يتداوى به يلزمه الكفارة، وهذا إذا كان مما يؤكل للغذاء أو للدواء فأما إذا لم يقصد لهما فلا كفارة وعليه القضاء، كذا في خزانة المفتين … وإذا أصبح غير ناو للصوم ثم نوى قبل الزوال ثم أكل فلا كفارة عليه، كذا في الكشف الكبير“. 


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