Ma’zoor And Taharah

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 07676



Answered by Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat




I have read that one will become a Ma’zoor only if the state of impurity lasts for one complete duration of a salah time and if throughout this time, blood, urine or any other impurities flowed or dripped continuously, not enabling one to make wudhu and perform the Fardh Salah with purity, then one will be known as a Ma’zoor. As a Ma’zoor if I was praying and an impurity came out during the sunnah salah after praying the Fardh, do I have to clean up and make wudu again or I can complete all the sunnah prayers?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




In Hanafi fiqh, the concept of a Ma’zoor (excused person) applies to someone who has a chronic condition that causes continuous or frequent impurity, such as incontinence or constant bleeding. The criteria for becoming a Ma’zoor is that the state of impurity must persist for an entire prayer time, such that one is unable to perform wudhu and complete the fardh salah without the impurity manifesting.


To be classified as a Ma’zoor, the impurity must continue through one complete prayer time (i.e., from the beginning of one salah time until the beginning of the next salah time). After being classified as a Ma’zoor, if the impurity continues to appear at least once during subsequent prayer times, the person retains the status of Ma’zoor.1


For a Ma’zoor, the presence of impurity during salah does not nullify their wudhu for the duration of that prayer time. Therefore, if an impurity comes out during sunnah prayers after performing the fardh salah, the wudhu does not break, and the Ma’zoor can continue to perform their sunnah salah without needing to repeat the wudhu or clean.2


Therefore, as a Ma’zoor, if impurity exits during sunnah salah after performing the fardh prayer, you do not need to clean up or make wudhu again. You can complete all your sunnah prayers with the same wudhu, as your wudhu remains valid for the duration of that prayer time.


This ruling simplifies the process for individuals with chronic conditions, allowing them to fulfill their religious obligations without undue hardship.



Only Allah knows best.

Written by Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






“ويشترط لاستمرار العذر وجوده في كل وقت ولو مرة، فلو مر وقت صلاة بغير عذر خرج عن كونه معذورا”

(الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار), 1/194)




“ويعذر صاحب السلس ونحوه فلا يبطل وضوؤه بما يعذره الشرع به” (الهداية في شرح بداية المبتدي، 1/23)





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