Method of washing the Mayyit

CategoriesDeath & Burial [177]

Fatwa ID: 01824

Answered by Mufti Abdullah al-Ma’mun


“As Salamu Alaikum” Kindly give the answer of the following questions:

  1. Can we wash the thigh of a mayyit (not the extreme private part) directly with the hand (without the gloves)?
  2. Whether the mayyit is in the condition of janabat or not, is it sunnah to clean the mouth and nose of the mayyit with the left hand while making wudhu?
  3. Do I have to start the wudhu for the mayyit by washing the hand first or just by washing the mouth?
  4. Do I have to make khilal of the mayyit’s fingers, feet, beard, ears, nape etc.?
  5. Is it mustahab for the one giving the bath to the mayyit to face the qibla while giving ghussal?



  1. Yes the thigh of the mayyit can be washed without gloves.

  2. When performing the wudhu for the mayyit, all the parts of wudhu are to be washed with the exception gargling and putting water in the nostrils.

(see Badaai' al-Sanaai' v3 p216)

Some ulama have classed it as mustahab for the one giving the bath that he wears mittens and cleans the area around the mouth i.e. the lips, teeth, etc. This can be done with the left or right hand.

(see Fath al-Qadeer v3 p332)

However, if the deceased passed away in the state of janaabat then the inner area of the mouth and nostrils should be moistened with some water using cotton wool.

(see Nur al-Idhaah p90)

  1. The four parts of the body that are compulsory to wash in wudhu must be washed starting with the 'face'.

(see Fath al-Qadeer v3 p332)

  1. The beard of the mayyit must be washed and rinsed with soap.

(Badaai' al-Sanaai' v3 p217 and Fath al-Qadeer v3 p336)


It is not necessary to make khilal of the mayyits fingers and feet nor is it necessary to make masah of the ears and nape however one must make sure no area is left dry.

(see al-Jawharah al-Neerah v1 p402 Bab al-Janaa'iz)

  1. It is not mustahab for the one giving the bath to the mayyit to face the qibla while giving ghusl.

Only Allah Knows Best

Written by Mufti Abdullah al-Ma’mun

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham.

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