Fatwa ID: 01958
Answered by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah
My question is if a couple has been separated for 11 months but not divorced are they still classed as husband and wife also they have a child together he is a boy age is 1 1/2 years the mother refuses to let him see the child and the father is so depressed and sad that he cant take the pain any longer he has done so much sabar what should he do
In the aforementioned scenario divorce will not occur. As long as the husband does not issue the divorce to his wife verbally or in writing, the couple will remain husband and wife.
It is mentioned in Durrul Mukhtar:
“The main part (rukn) of divorce is the specific statement.” (Raddul Muhtar p.426 v.4)
It is the father’s right to see his child if the child is in the mother’s custody, and that he should not be prevented from visiting him. (Al Mughni p.193 v.8)
When Allah inflicts any hardships or calamity upon anyone, the purpose for this is to either test his true servants as Allah
in the Holy Quran has said,
“Be sure we shall test you with something of fear, and hunger and some loss of wealth and lives and fruits and glad tidings to those that bear patience”. (Suarh Baqarah v.156)
Sometimes it so happens for it to be a lesson for the people coming after not to commit that deed again as Allah states in the Holy Quran:
“And indeed before you we sent (Messengers) too many nations so we seized them with suffering and adversity so that they may fall into humility.” (Surah Anaam v.42)
Or these tests can be a means of purification for the pious people. The Prophet of Allah has said when a persons sins increases and nothing remains to remove it then Allah
inflicts this person with such sorrow which expiates his sins. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir)
Saaiduna Anas narrates that the Prophet of Allah
said, “Whenever Allah intends to do good to a servant, He hastens to punish him in this world. And whenever Allah intends evil for a servant, He postpones the punishment until the Day of Judgement.” (Sunan Tirmizi p.65 v.2)
The meaning of this hadith is that he is punished by being inflicted with afflictions and difficulties due to the sins he has committed, due to which he is cleansed from them all, and in the Hereafter he has no sins to account for. (Duruus Tirmizi p.265 v.4)
Likewise, in another hadith the Prophet of Allah said, “Whenever Allah loves a people, He sends affliction upon them. So whoever is patient is one of the patient-ones, and whoever resents it, is one of those who resent.” (Musnad Ahmad p.427 v.5)
There are many virtues of Sabr.
The Prophet of Allah
said, “Sabr is light.” (Sahih Muslim p.118 v.1)
Saaiduna Abu Saeed Al Khudri
narrates that the Prophet of Allah
said, “No one has been given anything more excellent and more comprehensive than sabr.” (Sahih Bukhari)
Saaiduna Ali
said, “Indeed sabr is from Imaan (faith). Its position is like that of the head with respect to the rest of the body.” Then he raised his voice and said, “Verily, there is no Imaan (faith) for the one who has no sabr.” (Imam Baihaqi in his Shuabul Imaan)
There are two things required for patience. One is to be happy with Allah’s decree. Allah is “Hakeem” and whatever he decides there is good in that. Thus, we should do sabr on what Allah
has decreed for us. The scholars have mentioned that sabr is of three kinds:
- Sabr whilst fulfillingthe orders of Allah.
- Sabr whilst (abandoning and keeping away) from the prohibitions of Allah.
- Sabr with the Decree of Allah with respect to afflictions and difficulties. (Maariful Qur’an p.401 v.1)
Only Allah Knows Best
Mohammed Tosir Miah
Darul Ifta Birmingham