Musafir From Home To Work

CategoriesMiscellaneous [778]Salaah [915]

Fatwa ID: 07732



Answered by: Maulana Yusuf Badshah




From my home to my workplace it is 24 miles then I have to drive for approximately 35 miles, in total it will be 59 miles. Will I be a Musafir / traveller?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.




You will be deemed a Musafir if you intend to travel further than 54 miles [1] from your current residence [2], provided you plan to return within 15 days [3]. Should you plan to stay at your destination for more than 15 days then you will not be deemed a Musafir.



Only Allah knows best.

Written by Maulana Yusuf Badshah

Checked and approved by Mufti Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham



[1] Raddul Muhtar, vol. 2, pg. 122, Darul Fikr:

(مَسِيرَةَ ثَلَاثَةِ أَيَّامٍ وَلَيَالِيِهَا)

Raddul Muhtar, vol. 2, pg. 123, Darul Fikr:

الْفَرْسَخُ ثَلَاثَةُ أَمْيَالٍ وَالْمِيلُ أَرْبَعَةُ آلَافِ ذِرَاعٍ

Raddul Muhtar, vol. 2, pg. 123, Darul Fikr:

ثُمَّ اخْتَلَفُوا فَقِيلَ: وَاحِدٌ وَعِشْرُونَ، وَقِيلَ: ثَمَانِيَةَ عَشَرَ، وَقِيلَ: خَمْسَةَ عَشَرَ وَالْفَتْوَى عَلَى الثَّانِي لِأَنَّهُ الْأَوْسَطُ. وَفِي الْمُجْتَبَى فَتْوَى أَئِمَّةِ خُوَارِزْمَ عَلَى الثَّالِثِ. وَجْهُ الصَّحِيحِ أَنَّ الْفَرَاسِخَ تَخْتَلِفُ بِاخْتِلَافِ الطَّرِيقِ فِي السَّهْلِ وَالْجَبَلِ وَالْبَرِّ وَالْبَحْرِ بِخِلَافِ الْمَرَاحِلِ مِعْرَاجٌ

[2] Raddul Muhtar, vol. 2, pg. 121-122, Darul Fikr:

(مَنْ خَرَجَ مِنْ عِمَارَةِ مَوْضِعِ إقَامَتِهِ) مِنْ جَانِبِ خُرُوجِهِ وَإِنْ لَمْ يُجَاوِزْ مِنْ الْجَانِبِ الْآخَرِ. وَفِي الْخَانِيَّةِ: إنْ كَانَ بَيْنَ الْفِنَاءِ وَالْمِصْرِ أَقَلُّ مِنْ غَلْوَةٍ وَلَيْسَ بَيْنَهُمَا مَزْرَعَةٌ يُشْتَرَطُ مُجَاوَزَتُهُ وَإِلَّا فَلَا

[3] Raddul Muhtar, vol. 2, pg. 125, Darul Fikr:

(قَوْلُهُ وَعَلِمَ إلَخْ) أَيْ عَلِمَ أَنَّ الْقَافِلَةَ إنَّمَا تَخْرُجُ بَعْدَ خَمْسَةَ عَشَرَ يَوْمًا


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