Night preceding Eid ul Fitr

CategoriesSalaah [976]

Night preceding Eid ul Fitr

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.


It was the Sunnah of the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam that he would not sleep in the night preceding Eid ul Fitr.  This night is known as “Lailatul Jaaizah” (The night of reward).  Therefore, it is desirable to spend the night engaged in worshipping Allah (SWA).   (Fatawa Mahmoodiyah p.335 v.2)

Saaiduna Abu Umamah Radiallahu Anhu narrates that the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam said: “Whoever stands up (in worship) in the nights preceding the two Eids expecting rewards from his lord, his heart will not die when the other hearts will die.”  (Sunan Ibn Majah)

Only Allah Knows Best

Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham

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