One Year Later on the Zakat Anniversary Date One Is Below the Nisab

CategoriesZakah [311]

Fatwa ID: 06623


Answered by: Maulana Mamunur Hussain




According to the Hanafi school, if a person has started the zakat year with the nisab amount, and one year later on the zakat anniversary date, he is below the nisab, then zakat will not be due. So for example, on the 1st of Ramadan 2021, they had nisab, on the 1st of Ramadan 2022 they were below it, and no zakat is due. But if on the 1st of Ramadan 2023, they have the nisab amount, will zakat be due upon them or do they have to wait for the 1st of Ramadan 2024 to see if they have the nisab amount first? Can you provide references from the Hanafi books, please?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Zakah is one of the obligations due upon every Muslim who is an adult, sane and free1, they must also be in possession of wealth which meets the minimum nisab level and be in possession of that wealth for a year.


One should deduct their necessities, such as rent and living costs, there is no zakat upon property that a person lives in and furniture therein, as well as clothes2 and any other necessity that they need day to day from their wealth.


Thereafter, once a year has passed from the eligibility, one should calculate the zakat on that day so long as they have wealth above the nisab level. If they don’t then they do not need to pay and will check on the amount they have in another year’s time. The only thing that will affect the eligibility of paying zakat is if they lose everything or become bankrupt3 in which case the obligation of zakat is lifted until such a time when they have the nisab level again.




Only Allah (عز و جل) knows best.

Written by Maulana Mamunur Hussain

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham







1 Mukhtasar al-Qudoori (DKI, pg 51)

الزكاة: واجبة على الحر المسلم البالغ العاقل إذا ملك نصابا ملكا تاما وحال عليه الحول وليس على صبي ولا مجنون وال مكاتب زكاة



2 Mukhtasar al-Qudoori (DKI, pg 51)


ومن كان عليه دين يحيط فلا زكاة عليه

وإن كان ماله أكثر من الدين زكى الفاضل إذا بلغ نصابا وليس في دور السكنى وثياب البدن وأثاث المنازل ودواب الركوب وعبيد الخدمة وسلاح الاستعمال زكاة



3 Tuhfah al-Fuqaha (DKI, vol 2, pg 570)

فأما إذا هلك النصاب أصلا، بحيث لم يبق منه شيء، يستأنف الحول، لأنه لم ىوجد شيء من النصاب الصلي حتى يضم اليه المستفاد.








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