Parents Opposing Islamic Studies

CategoriesKnowledge [363]

Fatwa ID: 07000


Answered by: Alimah Jannatun Nessa




I am 19 years old. I live in the United Kingdom. Alhamdulillah, 3 years ago, I completed my hifz programme in my local Masjid. My teacher then encouraged me to further my education and become an Alim in Darul Uloom. It took me a while to think about it and come to a decision, eventually deciding I want to go. I spoke to my parents regarding this matter, and unfortunately, my father became angry with me. Both of my parents have said no. They said that I must complete a University Degree first then go and I’m not allowed to drop out. Currently, I am in my Second Year of my Four-Year Course at University. Recently, I have found out that the Student Loan that I’ve taken out has interest attached to it, which I was not aware of before. I have tried to make my parents aware of this, however they do not listen and insist I complete the degree regardless. I have also attempted to explain to them how the University environment is not very good and lots of bad things happen there, as well as asking my local Imam to advise them on my behalf, but still they are showing resistance. It has made me very upset and I do not know what to do and I fear this desire and opportunity to become an Alim may disappear. Please Advise.




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Interest-bearing loans are haram and should be avoided by Muslims. If one has already taken out the loan, then they must seek forgiveness immediately and make a sincere effort to repay it as soon as possible.


The Prophet Muhammad SAW has said, “There is no obedience for the creation when it involves disobeying the Creator.” This means that when parents insist on something that is a sin, Muslims should prioritise their obedience to Allah and His teachings. 


However, it is important to remember that your parents’ reluctance to leave your university studies comes from a place of love and wanting the best for you. If they are not allowing you to pursue the path of an Aalim, it is not because they do not want you to study Islam, but because they do not fully understand the benefits and significance of this path for you. 


Additionally, they may be concerned about your financial stability in the future, which is why they are insisting on you completing your university degree first before pursuing Islamic studies. 


As you are still dependent on them, unless you have a well-thought-out plan as to how you will address their concerns and convince them to allow you to study Islam, pursuing Alim studies may not be feasible at the moment; however, that does not mean you have to give up on studying Islam


Even if you are unable to study the Alim course immediately, you can still continue to deepen your knowledge and understanding of Islam through attending lectures and workshops and engaging with knowledgeable scholars or mentors in the field. This will, insha’Allah, keep your passion for studying Islam alive and help you lay a strong foundation for future studies. 


Remember, the journey of seeking knowledge is continuous, and one must have determination and perseverance to overcome any obstacles that may come their way. By demonstrating your dedication and commitment to learning, you may be able to gradually convince your parents of the value and importance of pursuing Alim studies in the future. 


You should also explain to your parents that you will finish your university studies; however, they must respect your decision to not take out an interest-bearing loan and search for alternative ways to finance your education. 


Lastly, it is advisable for you to consistently make dua to Allah after praying two raka’ats of tahajjud that He guides your parents towards understanding and accepting your decision and that He guides you to whatever is best for you.



Only Allah (عز و جل) knows best.

Written by Alimah Jannatun Nessa

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham





[Mishkat al-Masabih, Haidth 3696]

وَعَنِ النَّوَّاسِ بْنِ سِمْعَانَ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ: «لَا طَاعَةَ لِمَخْلُوقٍ فِي مَعْصِيَةِ الْخَالِقِ» .

Nawwas bin Sam‘an reported Allah’s Messenger SAW as saying, “A creature is not to be obeyed when it involves disobedience to the “Creator.”









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