Fatwa ID: 01461
Answered by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah
Please can you provide me with proof of six extra takbeers for Eid salah in the Hanafi Fiqh
In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
There are differences of opinions on the number of extra takbeers in the Eid Salah.
Imam Malik is of the view that there will be six extra takbeers in the first rakaat and five in the second takbeer. The extra takbeers will be done at the beginning of each rakaat.
Imam Ahmad and Imam Shafi are of the view that there will be seven takbbers in the first rakat and five in the second. The extra takbeers will also be done at the beginning of each rakaat.
Imam Abu Hanifa is of the view that there will be three extra takbeers at the beginning of the first rakaat and three takbeers at the end of the second rakaat. (Dars Tirmizi p.313 v.2)
The Hanafi evidence is as follows:
It is narrated from Makhool, who said, “Abu Aishah informed me that Saeed Ibn Al Aas asked Saaiduna Abu Musa Al-Ashari and Saaiduna Hudhaifah Bin Yamaan
how the Prophet of Allah
used to perform the takbeer in the Eid of Al Adha and Al Fitr. Saaiduna Abu Musa Radiallahu Anhu said, “He used to perform four takbeeraat (in each rakaat), just as in the janazah (funeral prayer).’ Saaiduna Hudhaifah Bin Yamaan
confirmed this and Saaiduna Abu Musa
said, ‘That is how I used to perform the takbeerat in Basrah for as long as I lived there.” (Sunan Abu Dawud p.163 v.1)
The second proof is the practice of Saaiduna Ibn Abbas , Saaiduna Mugherah Bin Shubah
, Saaiduna Abdullah Ibn Masood
and also other Companions.
The third evidence is the report from Ibrahim Nakhai as recorded in Sharh Maani al-Athar (p.239 v.1) The Prophet of Allah passed away and the people were of different opinions regarding the takbeerat of the janazah prayer … (after some part of the narration, he continues) … They remained in this state until Saaiduna Abu Bakr Radiallahu Anhu passed away. When Saaiduna Umar
assumed responsibility of leadership, he saw the differences of the people in this matter and it was unbearable for him. So he sent for some of the Companions of the Prophet of Allah
and said to them, “O you assembly of the companions of the Prophet of Allah
! As long as you have differences among the people, they will differ after you. And when you come together on a matter, the people after you will have a consensus. So look for a way to come to a consensus in this matter.” And it was as if he had awakened them and they said, “Yes! What do you think (about this matter), O Ameer-ul-Mumineen? Advise us!” Saaiduna Umar
said, “No, you must advise me, for truly I am a mortal like yourselves.” So the issue was turned to them and they came to consensus that the takbeerat of the janaiz should be as the takbeerat of the Adha and Fitr: four takbeerat (i.e. including the takbeer tahremah etc.). So this issue was settled with that consensus. (Extracted from Dars Tirmizi p.314 –p.317 v.2)
Only Allah Knows Best
Mohammed Tosir Miah
Darul Ifta Birmingham