Putting Impure Clothes in a Machine for Drying

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 06962


Answered by: Alimah Jannatun Nessa




We live in USA . Here we have dryer machines to dry wet and damp clothes . The dryer machine is made of steel . But back side it has holes from where hot air comes . Sometimes by mistake we put damp najis clothes in it and uses it to dry those doubtful najis clothes ( no sign of impurity but they were not washed three times ) . 


1- does this make our dryer najis ? 


2- how to clean the dryer ? 


3- are all the clothes we dried in it become najis ?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




The dryer and pure clothes will not be considered impure unless there is an obvious sign (colour, smell) that they are impure. Clothing must be soaked to the extent that it allows water to drip out and can be squeezed in order for impurities to transfer from it. If it is not wet to that extent then impurity will not transfer.


If the dryer is impure, then cleaning it according to the manufacturer’s instructions will suffice, or you may clean it whichever way you are confident that there is no impurity left, for example, by washing it with a clean, damp cloth. The dryer will not need to be cleaned three times. 



Only Allah (عز و جل) knows best.

Written by Alimah Jannatun Nessa

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham





[Maraqi al Falah, Shurunbulali, page 97,98, Daar Quba]

(كما لا ينجس ثوب جاف طاهر لف في ثوب نجس رطب لا ينعصر الرطب لو عصر) لعدم انفصال جرم النجاسة إليه واختلف المشايخ فيما لو كان الثوب الجاف الطاهر بحيث لو عصر لا يقطر، فذكر ((الحلواني )): أنه لا ينجس في الأصح وفيه نظر لان كثيرا من النجاسة يتشربه الجاف، ولا يقطر بالعصر كما هو مشاهد عند ابتداء غسله، فلا يكون المتصل اليه مجرد نداوة، إلا إذا كان النجس لا يقطر بالعصر فيتعين أن يفتى بخلاف ما صحح الحلواني.

ولا ينجس ثوب رطب بنشره على أرض نجسة يابسة فتندت منه ولا بريح هبت على نجاسة فأصابت الثوب إلا أن يظهر أثرها فيه و يطهر متنجس بنجاسة مرئية بزوال عينها ولو بمرة على الصحيح.






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