Qadha For Masturbating During Ramadan

CategoriesSawm (fast) [314]


 Fatwa ID: 07515 




Answered by: Moulana Ubaidur Rahman



Is it necessary to make qadha (due to masturbation in Ramadan) before the next Ramadan begins? Also, tell me if I can make qadha when I become self-independent (Because I am 15 yrs old and I have not told this to my parents and I don’t want to tell them this issue , so they won’t allow me to fast without a reason).





In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


It will be necessary to make up for the fasts which were missed or ruined due to masturbating in Ramadhan. This is due to the fact that self-restraint should be exercised and learnt in Ramadhan as well as controlling over lowly desires. The qadha wiil only be necessary and not kaffarah. You will have to repeat the fasts which were broken by masturbation and nothing more. 


You can make qadha for fasts once you have reached the age of maturity. For boys, that usually is around the age of 12. It is best to make qadha before the next Ramdhan begins but it is not necessary.





Qawaaid Fiqhiyya, Page 99, Darul Tirmizi. 


 الامر بالتصرف في ملك الغير باطل


Only Allah knows best.


Written by: Maulana Ubaidur Rahman.

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah.

Darul Ifta Birmingham.


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