Questions The Different Eid Dates

CategoriesSalaah [976]

Fatwa ID: 07311



Answered by: Alimah Saniyah bint Asrar




I am a resident of Pakistan and have received a Nikah proposal (through my parents) from a person residing in UK. I belong to the deobandi sect. I mentioned the sect just to give you an idea of the Aqidah I follow.


We prefer to marry into a family who has the same aqidah as ours.


The proposal I received was from a family of brailvi’s. However, after a detailed discussion among the families the basic aqidah of all of us aligned.


But, as mentioned earlier my fiancé is in UK and we found out that he celebrated Eid with the brailvi sect. We talked to him and he said that I don’t observe Eid with them because of their sectarian beliefs. Rather, I always heard of the Hadith where Holy Prophet (PBUH) instructed to observe fasting and celebrate Eid when the moon is sighted.


Can you please tell me the reason why the 2 Muslims celebrate eids on different days in UK and should we reject the proposal based on this?


Secondly, why don’t the deobandi’s celebrate eid or start ramadan in UK when the moon is sighted. I have heard people say that the weather is cloudy so it’s not possible to sight the moon. But given the advancement in technology nowadays I don’t think that is a very valid reason.




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




The reason behind celebrating Eid on different days is due to the difference in local versus global moon sighting practices. Those who follow local moon sighting celebrate Eid only when the moon is sighted in their own locality or greater area. Conversely, those who adhere to global moon sighting celebrate Eid when the moon is sighted anywhere in the world. Due to weather conditions or other factors, the moon may be visible in one region but not in another, resulting in people celebrating Eid on different days.


With regards to your question about rejecting or accepting the proposal, this isn’t a major issue over which you should decide to reject a proposal. If other main beliefs align and most other criteria of the two parties are met, you should do Istikharah and go ahead with the proposal.



اللباب في شرح الكتاب ١/‏١٦٣ 

(وينبغي للناس): أي يجب. جوهرة (أن يلتمسوا الهلال في اليوم التاسع والعشرين من شعبان) وكذا هلال شعبان لأجل إكمال العدة (فإن رأو صاموا وإن غم عليهم أكملوا عدة شعبان ثلاثين يومًا ثم صاموا)؛ لأن الأصل بقاء الشهر، فلا ينتقل عنه إلا بدليل، ولم يوجد (ومن رأى هلال رمضان وحده صام وإن لم يقبل الإمام شهادته) لأنه متعبد بما علمه؛ وإن أفطر فعليه القضاء دون الكفارة لشبهة الرد (وإن كان بالسماء علة) من غيم أو غبار ونحوه



الهداية في شرح بداية المبتدي ١/‏١١٧

قال: «وينبغي للناس أن يلتمسوا الهلال في اليوم التاسع والعشرين من شعبان فإن رأوه صاموا وإن غم عليهم أكملوا عدة شعبان ثلاثين يوما ثم صاموا» لقوله ﷺ «صوموا لرؤيته وأفطروا لرؤيته فإن غم عليكم الهلال فأكملوا عدة شعبان ثلاثين يوما» ولأن الأصل بقاء الشهر فلا ينتقل عنه إلا بدليل ولم يوجد «ولا يصومون يوم الشك إلا تطوعا» لقوله ﷺ «لا يصام اليوم الذي يشك فيه أنه من رمضان إلا تطوعا»



Only Allah (عز و جل) knows best.

Written by Alimah Saniyah bint Asrar

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham







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