Refutation on changes or additions to revelation

Categories'Aqaid [225]

Fatwa ID: 03064

Answered by:  Maulana Shadman Ahmed​


Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

 Did the Prophet SAW authorized some changes or additions?

can you do a refutation regarding the Prophet SAW supposedly authorizing some changes and additions to the Holy Qur'an? Below are the ahadith (the third one is from Musnad Ahmad and it's in Arabic) :

As one can see the ahadith are Sahih. It is claimed that the Christian man contributed to the Divine text. I'm confused as to why the Prophet SAW allowed such contribution? Doesn't this contradict with many verses highlighting the Qur'an's immunity from outside influence? Doesn't this amount to tampering? How can we reconcile this with 69:44-46 of the Qur'an since this is like ascribing false sayings to Allah SWT? This event is similar to the one regarding Abdullah ibn Abi Sa'd ibn Abi Sarh but that has been confirmed to be baseless. Need help.


In The Name Of Allah, The Most-Merciful, The Most Kind


The man mentioned in the texts cited in the links you provided was a man from Banu Najjar that was from the “recorders of revelation”. That means that when the revelation was given to the Prophet SAW he would dictate to few scribe companions who would record the verse on what they could find to write on. The Prophet SAW was informed of his evil intent of leaving Islam through wahi (revelation) or ilham (inspiration). That is why in the third narration he SAW tells him to write what he wants as he knows that he is not from the ones that are guided. [1] [al-Fath al-Rabbani, volume 18, page 31]


Only Allah knows best

Written by Maulana Shadman Ahmed

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham


[1] انما قال له النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم اكتب كيف شئت ولم يزجره عن فعله لكونه علم إما بطريقة الوحي أو بطريق الإلهام أن هذا الرجل خبيث النية وان الله عز وجل سيعاقبه عقابا صارما وينكل به وقد كان ذلك فلما هلك لم تقبله الأرض أن يدفن فيها فنبذته مرارا حتى ترك منبوذا على وجه الأرض ليعتبر به غيره 

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