Ruling On Starting Tawaf But Not Completing It

CategoriesHajj & Umrah & Qurbani [303]

Fatwa ID: 07865



Answered by Maulana Sibghat Ullah




Two rounds of tawaaf were done, and then abandoned. Need urgent answer. Person was old and left for his country already




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful





If a person has started the Tawaf but does not complete it, and leaves the country, then the ruling will depend on the type of Tawaf.


There are 3 types of tawaf:


  1. Tawaf Ul-Ziyarah:


If it is Tawaf al-Ziyarah which is a rukn (integral part) of Hajj. If someone performs only part of it (e.g., 2 rounds) and then leaves without completing it, the Hajj remains invalid. It is mandatory to return to complete it if possible. If returning is impossible, the person must offer a dam (sacrificial animal) as expiation, but this does not replace the obligation of completing the Tawaf if he is capable of returning to do it[i].



  1. For Tawaf Ul-Umrah:


Tawaf is a fardh (obligatory) part of Umrah. If a person leaves after performing only part of the Tawaf, their Umrah remains incomplete and invalid. It is mandatory for them to return and complete the remaining rounds. If they cannot return, a dam (sacrifice) becomes obligatory as compensation, but the obligation of Tawaf remains until completed[ii].



  1. General Ruling on Incomplete Tawaf without intention of hajj or umrah:


Leaving an incomplete Tawaf without valid reason is considered sinful. If a person abandons it, they must return and complete it. If returning is not feasible, the person must offer expiation (a dam). However, this does not absolve them of the obligation if the Tawaf was fardh[iii].



To conclude, if a nafl tawaf is started, it becomes wajib (obligatory) to complete it. Leaving it incomplete without a valid excuse is considered a sin. If a person leaves Makkah or the country without completing it, they are required to return and complete it if possible. If returning is not possible, the person must offer dam (sacrifice of a sheep or goat) in the Haram as an expiation.




Only Allah knows best.

Written by Maulana Sibghat Ullah

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






[i]  Radd ul-Muhtar, Book of Hajj, Page526

ومن لم يطف طواف الزيارة فسد حجه وعليه الدم والقضاء

Whoever does not perform Tawaf ul-Ziyarah, their Hajj is invalid, and they must offer a sacrifice and perform the Hajj again.



[ii]   Sharh Maani al-Athar (Imam Tahawi) , Book of Hajj,  Page 229

الطواف بالبيت ركن لا يتم الحج والعمرة إلا به

Tawaf of the Kaaba is a pillar, and neither Hajj nor Umrah is complete without it.



[iii]        Bada’i al-Sanai, Book of Hajj

وإن ترك الطواف وأحرم بالحج أو خرج إلى وطنه قبل إتمامه لزمه الدم

If one abandons Tawaf, whether for Hajj or Umrah, or returns to their homeland before completing it, a sacrificial animal becomes mandatory.