
CategoriesSalaah [976]

Fatwa ID: 02378

Answered by: Molana Eunus Ali


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Thank you for taking your time to answer my questions as I had sent the
same questions to other websites but it seems only you responded.

I have a few follow up questions if you would be so kind as to respond.

1. what is the proper way to end a prayer for example I start to pray
but realize my intention in my heart was for the wrong prayer.

2. it says in the laws of salah with reference from rad mukhtar's work
that the prayer wearing a kurta invalidates the salah I received the
answer that it is improper but isn't it sunnah to wear a kurta and what
is the defention of a kurta as every muslim male in majority of asia
wears one also I wear a shavakizmize with a collar is this ok if not
what is the evidence.

3. what is the correct clothes to wear during salah.

4. in my attempt to get closer to Allah it feels impossible.

wa salam idrees


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

  1. The correct method of terminating the salah for a valid reason is by performing one salam.

It should be noted that the ruling of terminating salah will differ according to the situation. They are as follows:

  1. Harām (impermissible) for example if one breaks his salāh without any reason.

  2. Mubāh (permissible) for example if you fear your wealth is at stake.

  3. Mustahab (preferable)for example to break the salāh to join the jamā’ah.

  4. Wajib (mandatory) for example to break one’s salāh to save the life of another.

(RaddulMuhtar, Volume 2, Page 505, DarulKutubulIlmiyyah)

Answers 2 and 3

Amongst the prerequisites for the salah to be valid is the covering of ones ‘awrah/satr(private parts). The ‘awrah/satr for theman is from below the navel until below the knees. As for the women it is the entire body with the exception of the face, hands and feet. (RaddulMuhtar, Volume 2, Page 75-78, DarulKutubulIlmiyyah)

Hence if one wears a shirt (kurtah) or any other item of clothing which does not cover the minimum required amount as mentioned above, the salah will be invalid.

It is narrated by Umm Salamah (may Allah be pleased with her):"The most loved garment to the Messenger of Allah () was the Qamis (long shirt/kurta)." (Sunan At-Tirmizi: 1762)

The shirt/kurta which is called Qamis in Arabic is the upper garment which comprises of two sleeves. (QamusulFiqh, Volume 4, Page 526, Zamzam Publishers &TuhfatulAhwazi, Page 1539, BaytulAfkar Ad-Dawliyyah)

Additionallythere are two types of Sunan:

  1. As-Sunan Al-Huda: Those sunan that demonstrate the commands and rulings of the shariah. The books of fiqh usually comprise only of this type of sunan. It is essential to implement these sunan in our lives.

  2. As-SunanAz-Zawaid: These are the additional sunan which may not be compulsory to adopt, however are recommended. (Tuhfatul Al-Ma’ee, Volume 5, Page 50-51, Zamzam Publishers)

In conclusion, provided that the ‘awrah/satr is covered the salah will be valid and it is recommended (from the As-SunanAz-Zawaid) to wear the kurta.

The following are disliked (makruh) and should be avoided during salah:

  1. The rolling up of the sleeves.

  2. To wear trousers only despite one’s ability to wear a shirt.

  3. Holding up the clothes with the hands from behind when going into sajdah.

  4. The placing of a scarf or any other item of clothing on the head or shouldrs and letting the sides hang.

  5. To wear clothing with pictures of living things. (NurulIdha, Page 118-121, MaktabatulBushra)

Answer 4

Allah has stated: And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me – indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.(Surah Baqarah: 186)

Abu Hurairah [may Allah be pleased with him] narrated that the Messenger of Allah () said:“Allah, the Most High said: ‘I am as My slave thinks of Me, and I am with him when he remembers Me. If he remembers Me to himself, I remember him to Myself, and if he remembers Me in a gathering, I remember him in a gathering better than that. And if he seeks to draw nearer to Me by a hand span, I draw nearer to him by a forearm’s length, and if he comes to Me by a forearm’s length, I draw nearer to him by an arm’s length. And if he comes to Me walking, I come to him quickly.’”(Sunan At-Tirmizi: 3603)

It is the constant struggle in the life of a Muslim to become closer to Allah.

We should not become despondent ofAllahwho is the All Seeing and All knowing, and is fully aware of the struggles that his sincere servants endure to become closer to him. By the remembrance of Allah one will get closer to Him.

Only Allah knows best

Written by Eunus Ali

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham.

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