Salatut Tasbeeh in Jamaat

CategoriesMiscellaneous [821]

Fatwa ID: 02402

Answered by: Maulana Jamal Ahmed


I am part of group where we read Quran and read tafseer from  different authors every week. When Ramadhan starts we read this before Maghreb salat. Some people in the group stated salatul tasbih before Quran reading to which we pointed out that you performing a nafil salat after Salatul Asr which is not permitted. Secondly performing Salatul Tasbih in jamaat is also not permissible.

Now what they are doing that although time for Asr has started, they will perform Salatul tasbih first and then Fard Salatul Asar and secondly they announced that this is a nafil Salat and everybody should perform it on their own, however to facilitate one person perform it loudly so that it is easier for others. I think that it is still not 

right and avoid it without saying to others that the practice wrong. My question is, is this practice is allowed in our deen and if it is than I will join them but if it is wrong than I want to inform them about this. Please guide us.


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Reading nafalsalah in congregation will be bid’ah and makrooh if it is done regularly and people are invited to it, or the congregation consists of three or more people.

It is wajib for the recitation of qira’ah in nafl salah during the day time, to be done quietly and not audibly.

It is Sunnah for thana and the subsequent duas and tasbeeh to be recited quietly. If someone reads the duas etc. loudly for teaching purposes then it should be fine as long as he does not make it a habit.

 ويؤيده أيضا ما في البدائع من قوله: إن الجماعة في التطوع ليست بسنة إلا في قيام رمضان اهـ فإن نفي السنية لا يستلزم الكراهة، نعم إن كان مع المواظبة كان بدعة فيكره.

raddulmuhtar vol. 2 , pg. 48, darulfikr

 أي يكره ذلك على سبيل التداعي (قوله على سبيل التداعي) هو أن يدعو بعضهم بعضا كما في المغرب، وفسره الواني بالكثرة وهو لازم معناه.

(قوله أربعة بواحد) أما اقتداء واحد بواحد أو اثنين بواحد فلا يكره. 

raddulmuhtar, vol.2, pg. 49, darulfikr

"و" الإسرار في "نفل النهار" للمواظبة على ذلك.

maraqialfalah, pg. 93, darulkutu al ilmiyah, 2004

 "و" يسن "الإسرار بها" بالثناء وما بعده للآثار الواردة بذلك.

maraqalfalah, pg. 95, darulkutu al ilmiyah, 2004

Only Allah knows best.

Written by Maulana Jamal Ahmed

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham

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