Seeing Spottings of Blood During the Ihraam

CategoriesWomen's Issues [308]

Fatwa ID: 06551


Answered by: Alimah Zakiratul Hoque




Insha Allah 28 June we are flying from the USA, and we will land in Saudi on June 29. Back in 2012, I had an ovarian cyst which raptured by itself. From that time my period started to last 10 days. Before that incident my period used to last for 7 days and no spotting or anything. Then my doctor found out I have endometriosis. Because of endometriosis, I have terrible cramping and pain so my doctor had to laparoscopic. Even after laparoscopic my period last for 10 days and I was feeling better than before. But after 2 years my pain started coming back doctor prescribed me a birth control pill, which I take for 3 months and after 3 months I stop taking the pill my period starts, so basically every 3 months I have my period. And sometimes I skip some months of medication and I get a natural period, I have a regular period, it comes every month and lasts for 10 days but I see spotting even after my period. This spotting is not fresh red blood and is dark brownish. Sometimes it’s watery, sometimes it’s dry. Each month it’s different. For one month I see that spotting for a week, one month 3-5 days, one month even 10-14 days. I asked my doctor they said it was old blood coming out because of my medical condition. So this spotting always happens no matter what even if I take birth pills or not. During my period time before I get the full flow of my period sometimes I start spotting 2-3 days prior to my period and it’s red and sometimes brown. Because I sport a lot Alima told me when my period starts I should not count spotting I should count full flow days and not pray for 10 days. My last month’s period started on 2 June and ended on 11 June 2022. So my question is Insha Allah we are going to hajj on June 28 and I started taking my birth control pill which will stop my period. But if I see spotting during hajj time do I have to count it as a period?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Haidh is when blood flows from the womb (Fatawa Hindiya, Vol 1, Pg 40). The spotting in your situation is not flowing blood from the womb, and it is due to another medical reason, therefore it would not count as Haidh. In your situation, you would consider yourself as Haidah when you experience flowing blood.

دم من الرحم لا لولادة



Only Allah knows best.

Written by Alimah Zakiratul Hoque

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham







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