Sitting in-between Taraweeh

CategoriesSalaah [968]


  1. Is it sunnah, mustahab or anything else to sit after every four rakats in salatul taraweeh?
  2. During that sitting, what dua do I read?


In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful



It is stated in the books of jurisprudence (Alamgeer (Fatawa Hindiyah Vol 1 P 115) & Raddul Mukhtaar Vol 1 P522) that the sitting after every four rakats in Taraweeh is Mustahab.


During that sitting, it is Mustahab to recite tasbeeh, tahleel (Laa ilaha illallah), dua or durood.


Imam Qahastani states in Minhajul Ibaad that the following may be recited thrice:


“Subhana zil mulki wal malakuti subhana zil izzati wal azmati wal qudrati wal kibriya ee wal jabarooth. Subhanal malikil hayyil lazi la yanamu wa la yamuto subbu  hun quddusun rabbul malaikati war rooh. La ilaha illal lahu. Nas tagh firullah. Nas a lukal jannah wana ozubika minan naar”.


Allah Knows best


Sayeedur Rahman

Darul Ifta Birmingham

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