Struggling With Mazi And Waswasa

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 07785



Answered by: Maulana Kawsar Ahmed




I have been having a really long struggle with the emission of Mazi and Waswasa. Sometimes my body will experience arousal, whether it be about my wife, another woman, or just in general for no apparent reason. The problem is sometimes Mazi is apparent where I physically see & feel it there prior to Salah. However, sometimes it just feels like Mazi is apparent, but physically there is nothing or feels like there is nothing. However, sometimes it feels like Mazi is there during Salah and sometimes when I check after the Salah, it is and sometimes it isn’t. I have been given different ways to overcome this but I get so many different opinions. At the moment, I’m going with Eyes of Certainty. I know I had wudhu prior to Salah and regardless of whether I feel it or not, I ignore the feeling and check later after Salah or forget to check. The problem is, sometimes I check a few Salahs later and there is a stain of Mazi on my underwear & sometimes there isn’t after a few Salahs as well. What should I do because I fear I have qaza Salahs? Do I carry on or do I ignore these doubts? I have been told if there is doubt, I still have wudhu and to ignore this waswasa of feeling & until I’m certain that I have seen with certainty then my wudhu is broken but the Salah I performed prior is fine. 




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Firstly, I would advise that when you feel as if there has been an omission of fluid and you are able to, then strive to remove all traces of said impurity by either placing something in front of your private area and walking, or by squatting, or by coughing. If you do this and then perform your Salaah, your Salaah and purity will remain intact, unless there is an omission which you are certain of before you carry out that prayer, in which case you will have to repeat the Wudhu.


As previously mentioned, if you are certain of the emergence of impurity, by either seeing or feeling impurity, then Wudhu will be necessary.


However, if you are in doubt then understand, that the processes that you have undertaken to cleanse and purify your private area are not void by mere doubt or suspicion, due to the famous legal maxim: “Certainty is not removed by doubt”.


As for your prayers, then they will follow the aforementioned detail, i.e. if you are/were sure about the omission then you will have to repeat the prayers and if you are in doubt and you’ve done your best to clean yourself then you will not have to repeat the prayers.



 يلزم الرجل الاستبراء حتى يزول أثر البول ويطمئن قلبه على حسب عادته إما بالمشي، أو التنحنح، أو الاضطجاع أو غيره

ولا يجوز له الشروع في الوضوء حتى يطمئن بزوال رشح البول

مراقي الفلاح، ص71, دار الفيحاء



 لِلْقَاعِدَةِ الْمُطَّرِدَةِ أَنَّ الْيَقِينَ لَا يَزُولُ بِالشَّكِّ

الفتاوي الهندية، ص47, ج1, دار الفكر بيروت




Only Allāh knows best

Written by Maulana Kawsar Ahmed

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham







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