Suffering From Urinary Leakage Problems

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 05314


Answered by: Mufti Jamal Ahmed




Assalamu Alaykum,

I suffer from urinary leakage problems. I always keep a tissue in my underwear. After urinating, a lot of urine leaks onto the tissue paper and after about 10 minutes the majority of urine that will leak has exited.


Thereafter very small amounts leak that is impossible for me to feel and so small that when absorbed onto the tissue paper will evaporate and therefore I cannot tell any leakage from just looking at the tissue. To ascertain whether I am Madhur I would literally have to sit in the bathroom and stare at the penile tip to see if any urine comes out. It is usually intermittent but it is so often I cannot perform wudu and make salah.


I have done this once and ascertained that I was ma’dhur. The difficulty comes in the following prayer times.


1) Can I just make wudu before I pray in the other prayer times or do I have to wait to see any leakage of urine before I can make wudu and pray as a ma’dhur in the following prayer times? If I can make wudu before I pray without checking for any leakage, do I have to check some other time during the prayer time to see if any leakage has occurred to continue as a ma’dhur? (I spend a lot of time in the bathroom)


2) Since I can only tell leakage by going to the bathroom and looking at the penile tip, can I please not just assume the position of ma’dhur as I am certain that there will be a leakage in the following prayer times as so much of my life is spent in the bathroom?


3) Is it possible for me to be in the legal position of an excused person for the rest of my life?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




A mazur is a person who has an illness like constant bleeding or frequent dripping of urine.  To ascertain if one is mazur, he needs to see if that illness occurs so frequently that he is not able to make wudhu and pray the fardh Salah in between the occurrences, and he remains in this state for a complete prayer time, for example, asr to maghrib. After being established as a mazur, if the illness occurs even once during the subsequent salah times he will remain a mazur, but he cannot just assume it, he has to be sure of it. For instance, a person waited from asr to maghrib but the dripping of urine did not stop for a period of time where he can do wudhu and salah, he is mazur, thereafter from Maghrib till Esha the dripping only occurred once, then he will remain a mazur.


When a person is in the process of ascertaining whether he is mazur or not, he should delay the salah till the end time where he only has time enough to do wudhu and salah, then he should do wudhu and perform salah even if urine is dripping.


It is also necessary to try to stop the dripping by adopting some appropriate means such as wrapping the limb with tissue etc. Also, If a person can stop the dripping by reading salah sitting down, or by gesturing, then he should read salah in that manner and he will not be considered as a mazur.


A mazur person is required to do wudhu for every salah time and he can read with this wudhu fardh, qadha of previous salahs, and nawafil. His wudhu will break when the salah time ends and also by the occurring of any other breakers of wudhu besides the illness.


ومما يتصل بذلك أحكام المعذور) شرط ثبوت العذر ابتداء أن يستوعب استمراره وقت الصلاة كاملا وهو الأظهر كالانقطاع لا يثبت ما لم يستوعب الوقت كله.

وشرط بقائه أن لا يمضي عليه وقت فرض إلا والحدث الذي ابتلي به يوجد فيه هكذا في التبيين.

المستحاضة ومن به سلس البول أو استطلاق البطن أو انفلات الريح أو رعاف دائم أو جرح لا يرقأ يتوضئون لوقت كل صلاة ويصلون بذلك الوضوء في الوقت ما شاءوا من الفرائض والنوافل هكذا في البحر الرائق.

ويبطل الوضوء عند خروج وقت المفروضة بالحدث السابق. هكذا في الهداية وهو الصحيح.

Fatawa Hindiyah, vol.1, pg. 40-41, Darul Fikr.


“وشرط دوامه” أي العذر “وجوده” أي العذر “في كل وقت بعد ذلك” الاستيعاب الحقيقي أو الحكمي “ولو” كان وجوده “مرة” واحدة ليعلم بها بقاؤه.

Maraqi Al Falah, pg. 60, Darul Kutub Al Ilmiyah, 2004

فروع: يجب رد عذره أو تقليله بقدر قدرته ولو بصلاته موميا، وبرده لا يبقى ذا عذر، بخلاف الحائض.

Durrul Mukhtar, vol.1, pg. 46, Darul Kutub Al ilmiyah, 2002



Only Allah knows best

Written by Mufti Jamal Ahmed

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham




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