Tallow in the New £5 Note

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 06848


Answered by: Alimah Jannatun Nessa




My mum put a wash load on. Once taking the clothes out she realised one of those new £5 notes that contains tallow had been in a trouser pocket and thus also washed in the load.


Please could you answer the following questions :

  1. Are all the clothes in that wash load impure because of the £5 note and need to be washed again?
  2. Do the drying lines outside need to be wiped down because the wet clothes were hung up on them?
  3. Do the pegs need to be washed?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




The new polymer note uses beef tallow made from suet, which is hard fat found around the animal’s kidneys, stomach and other organs.


The fat of a halal animal such as cows is pure, therefore, the polymer notes that use beef tallow will also be considered pure. If the polymer notes contained the fat of a haram animal, such as pork, then the notes would be impure.



Only Allah (عز و جل) knows best.

Written by Alimah Jannatun Nessa

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






[Bahrur Raiq, volume 9, page 346, Daar al kutub al ilmiyah]

(لف ثوب نجس رطب في ثوب طاهر يابس فظهر رطوبته على الثوب ولكن لا يسيل إذا عصر لا يتنجس) وذكر المرغيناني انه ان كان اليابس هو الطاهر يتنجس لأنه يأخذ قليلا من النجس الرطب، وإن كان اليابس هو النجس والطاهر هو الرطب لا يتنجس لأن اليابس هو النجس ياخذ من الطاهر ولا يأخذ الرطب من اليابس شيئا، ويحمل على أن مراده فيما إذا كان الرطب ينفصل منه شيء، وفي لفظة اشارة إليه حيث نص على أخذ البلة وعلى هذا إذا نشر الثوب المبلول على محل نجس هو يابس لا يتنجس الثوب لما ذكرنا من المعنى.







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