Tawaaf Without Wudu

CategoriesHajj & Umrah & Qurbani [303]

Fatwa ID: 07078


Answered by: Maulana Abdul Malik




Someone’s going for umrah. They have a taqleef due to which their wudhu breaks regularly. It’s not so regular that they’re mazoor in terms of salah. They’re concerned about their tawaf as their wudhu can sometimes break in 10 to 15 minutes which is the time it takes to reach the mataaf. However, on other days its fine and wudhu lasts long . Is there anything they could do?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




A person must perform Tawaaf while in the state of wudu. If someone did Tawaaf without making wudu, they should make wudu again and repeat the Tawaaf while they are still in Makkah. However, if they had already left Makkah and gone back home, they would have to make up the deficiency in the Tawaaf by paying a fine (Dam). (Al Bada’i al Sana’i, pg 74, vol 3)[1]


Therefore, the brother must complete his Tawaaf with wudu. Otherwise, the deficiency should be covered by dam if he is unable to finish the Tawaaf with wudu.


[1] وأما إذا طاف محدثا أو طاف أربعة أشواط فإن عاد و طاف جاز ، لأنه جبر النقص بجنسه ، وإن بعث شاة جاز أيضا، لأن النقص يسير فينجبر بالشاة ، والأفضل أن يبعث بالشاة ، لأن الشاة تجبر النقص ، وتنفع الفقراء وتدفع عنه ، مشقة الرجوع ، وإن كان بمكة فالرجوع أفضل لأنه جبر الشيء بجنسه فكان أولى، والله تعالى أعلم



Only Allah (عز و جل) knows best.

Written by Maulana Abdul Malik

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






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