The Sunnah method of Istinjaah

CategoriesTaharah [580]

There are many people who do not know how to do istinja properly, but I was thinking if I am doing it properly.

Can you tell me the proper way please, stating the sunnah ‘s farze and wajid things in Istinja please?

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.


The act of purifying oneself of the impurities excreted via the back and front private parts is called Istinjah

The significance of bodily purification can be deduced from the following Quranic verses, where Allah (SWA) says;

“Verily, it is most befitting that you stand in the Masjid erected on the foundations of Taqwa since the very first day. In it are men who love to purify themselves and Allah loves those who purify themselves.”

(Surah Tawbah V.108)

Imam Tirmizi (RA) narrates on the authority of Saaiduna Abu Hurairah Radiallahu Anhu that the verse: “In it are men who love to purify themselves,” was revealed in praise of the people of the town of Qubaa whose habit and practice was to thoroughly purify themselves with water after answering the call of nature. “

(Maariful Quran P.467 V.4)

It is compulsory that one ensures that the drops of urine have ceased, and that one’s heart is content according to one’s general habit, either by walking, coughing, lying down or any other method.

It is Sunnah to perform istinja from any najasa that exists from the front or back passage of the private parts and has not spread past the entrance.  However it is wajib if the najasa has spread past the entrance and is equivalent to the size of a dirham. And fard if it has spread more than a dirham.

It is Sunnah to do istinja with a cleansing stone (paper) or the like.  To perform istinja with water is preferred.  The best is to combine both water and stone, first by wiping with the stone and then washing.  To use only water or to wipe with stones alone is also permissible.

It is makruh to perform istinja with:

1        A bone because it is the food of the jinns

2        The food of a man or animal

3        Baked bricks, pottery and charcoal

4        Glass

5        Items of value, such as a piece of velvet or cotton

6        And the usage of the right hand without an excuse

Adab of relieving oneself:

1        One should enter the toilet leading with the left foot.

2        Before entering seek refuge in Allah from the rejected Satan.

(Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min al-khubuthi wal khaba’ith)

[O Allah I take refuge from You from demons, male and female)

3        One should sit leaning upon the left foot

4        And not speak, except out of necessity

It is makruh tahrim to have ones face or back towards the Qibla, even though one is in a building.  To urinate towards the sun or moon is makruh.  It is also makruh to sit and urinate in the direction of the wind.

It is makruh:

1        To urinate or defecate in water

2        Under some shade; in a hole; on a path

3        Under a fruit tree

4        Or urinate standing without an excuse

One should leave the lavatory with one’s right foot then recite

“O Lord Your forgiveness. Praise be to Allah who rid me of the filth and gave me health”

{Ghufaranak alhamdulilla hilladhi adhhaba annil adha wa afani}

The Method of doing Istinjah

At the beginning of Istinja, it is preferable to use toilet paper 3 times. If Istinjaa is being done on a hot day, then the person should start from the front to the back and then from the back to the front and the third time from the front to the back. If Istinjaa is being done on a cold day, then he should begin from the back to the front.

After wiping, he should wash his hand first and then he should cleanse himself with 2 fingers and 3 fingers if necessary together with ‘pouring’ water. When using the 2 fingers, one should keep the middle finger in front and the ring and index finger behind it. After beginning with the fingers in this position, he should bring the ring finger forward and rub with the middle finger and ring finger. Thereafter, he will wipe with the index finger, if necessary.

He should continue until all the impurity and smell is removed. The left over water after Istinjaa is paak only if there is no impurity in it.

(Extracted from Nurul Idhaa p.27-30)

Only Allah Knows Best

Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham.

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