Toilet Paper And Kitchen Rolls That Contain Gelatine

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 07399



Answered by: Maulana Sheik Abdel Ahad Imrit




Many toilet papers and kitchen rolls contain gelatine. Is it permissible to use such tissue?





In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful





Gelatine is a translucent, colourless, and flavourless substance derived from collagen found in animal connective tissues, primarily from cows and pigs. It is obtained by boiling animal skin, bones, and connective tissues, extracting the collagen, and then processing and drying it into a powder.1


Plant-based provide similar gelling properties. Generally it is not used in the production of tissue paper. Tissue paper is typically made from cellulose fibres derived from wood pulp or recycled paper. These fibres are processed and refined to create the soft and absorbent qualities desired in tissue paper products.


For tissue paper, the manufacturing process typically involves the following steps:


1. Pulping: Wood chips or recycled paper are converted into pulp through chemical or mechanical means.


2. Bleaching: The pulp is bleached to achieve the desired whiteness and purity.


3. Pressing: The pulp is pressed to remove excess water.


4. Drying: The pressed pulp is dried on large rollers to form sheets of paper.


5. Converting: The dried paper is then processed into various tissue products, such as toilet paper, facial tissues, and paper towels.


Additives like softeners, lotions, or fragrances may be included in tissue paper, but gelatin is not typically one of these additives.2



Animal skins are as follows:


1. Permissible Meat, Properly Slaughtered: Animals whose meat is permissible for eating and were slaughtered according to Islamic rites have skins that are pure and permissible for use, whether tanned or untanned.


2. Permissible Meat, Improperly Slaughtered: Animals whose meat is usually permissible for eating but were not slaughtered according to Islamic rites have skins that become pure and permissible for use only after complete tanning and proper drying. The meat remains impermissible for consumption.


3. Impermissible Meat: Animals whose meat is not allowed for consumption have skins that can be made pure for use if they are slaughtered according to Islamic rites. However, their meat remains impure.


4. Pig Skin Exception: The skin of a pig is an exception to the above rules. It is considered impure in essence (Najas ul Ayn) and cannot be made pure.



«نور الإيضاح ونجاة الأرواح في الفقه الحنفي» (ص42):


«‌‌فصل [في طهارة جلد الميتة ونحوها]


1 – يطهر جلد الميتة:

أ – بالدباغة الحقيقية كالقرظ.

ب – وبالحكمية كالتتريب والتشميس إلا جلد الخنزير والآدمي»

– وتطهر الذكاة الشرعية جلد غير المأكول دون لحمه على أصح ما يفتى به.


3 – وكل شيء لا يسري فيه الدم لا ينجس بالموت كالشعر والريش المجزوز والقرن والحافر والعظم ما لم يكن به دسم


«البحر الرائق شرح كنز الدقائق ومنحة الخالق وتكملة الطوري» (8/ 190):

«وَأَمَّا حُكْمُهَا ‌فَطَهَارَةُ ‌الْمَذْبُوحِ وَحِلُّ أَكْلِهِ إنْ كَانَ مِنْ الْمَأْكُولَاتِ وَطَهَارَةُ عَيْنِهِ لِلِانْتِفَاعِ إذَا كَانَ لَا يُؤْكَلُ كَذَا فِي الْمُحِيطِ»


«الفتاوى العالمكيرية = الفتاوى الهندية» (5/ 286):


«(وَأَمَّا) (حُكْمُهَا) فَطَهَارَةُ الْمَذْبُوحِ وَحِلُّ أَكْلِهِ مِنْ الْمَأْكُولِ وَطَهَارَةُ غَيْرِ الْمَأْكُولِ لِلِانْتِفَاعِ لَا بِجِهَةِ الْأَكْلِ، كَذَا فِي مُحِيطِ السَّرَخْسِيِّ»


«حاشية ابن عابدين = رد المحتار ط الحلبي» (6/ 308):


«(وَذَبْحُ مَا لَا يُؤْكَلُ يُطَهِّرُ لَحْمَهُ وَشَحْمَهُ وَجِلْدَهُ) تَقَدَّمَ فِي الطَّهَارَةِ تَرْجِيحُ خِلَافِهِ (إلَّا الْآدَمِيَّ وَالْخِنْزِيرَ) كَمَا مَرَّ»


«(قَوْلُهُ وَذَبْحُ مَا لَا يُؤْكَلُ) يَعْنِي ذَكَاتُهُ لِمَا فِي الدُّرَرِ وَبِالصَّيْدِ يَطْهُرُ لَحْمٌ غَيْرُ نَجِسِ الْعَيْنِ لِأَنَّهُ ذَكَاةٌ حُكْمًا (قَوْلُهُ يَطْهُرُ لَحْمُهُ وَشَحْمُهُ وَجِلْدُهُ) حَتَّى لَوْ وَقَعَ فِي الْمَاءِ الْقَلِيلِ لَا يُفْسِدُهُ، وَهَلْ يَجُوزُ الِانْتِفَاعُ بِهِ فِي غَيْرِ الْأَكْلِ؟ لَا يَجُوزُ اعْتِبَارًا بِالْأَكْلِ، وَقِيلَ لَا يَجُوزُ كَالزَّيْتِ إذَا خَالَطَهُ وَدَكُ الْمَيْتَةِ وَالزَّيْتُ غَالِبٌ لَا يُؤْكَلُ وَيُنْتَفَعُ بِهِ فِي غَيْرِ الْأَكْلِ هِدَايَةٌ (قَوْلُهُ تَقَدَّمَ فِي الطَّهَارَةِ تَرْجِيحُ خِلَافِهِ) وَهُوَ أَنَّ اللَّحْمَ لَا يَطْهُرُ بِالذَّكَاةِ وَالْجِلْدَ يَطْهُرُ بِهَا اهـ»








Only Allah (عز و جل) knows best.

Written by Maulana Sheik Abdel Ahad Imrit

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






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