Two Questions Regarding Sunnah Ghair Muakkadah Prayers

CategoriesSalaah [976]

Fatwa ID: 07579



Answered by: Maulana Sarfraz Mohammad




  1. Is there any hadith as evidence that offering four rakats of Sunnah ghair muakkadah better to recite with 2 Duroods and 2 Thana supplication?


Did the Prophet (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) this kind of prayer in a such manner?


  1. What is the evidence that every two rakats of Sunnah ghair muakkadah are considered as independent prayers even we have an intention for four rakats?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful





  1. Is there evidence for reciting two Duroods and two Thana supplications in a four-rakat Sunnah Ghair Mu’akkadah prayer?


There is no direct evidence from hadith to support the specific practice of reciting two Duroods and two Thana supplications in a four-rakat Sunnah Ghair Mu’akkadah prayer. The general manner of performing voluntary (Nafl or Sunnah) prayers is to follow the basic structure taught by the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), including the recitation of Surah Al-Fatiha and another Surah, followed by rukoo’ and sujood, without the need for such specific additions.



  1. What is the evidence that every two rakats of Sunnah Ghair Muakkadah are considered independent prayers, even if the intention is for four rakats? What is the Hanafi view?


The four rakaat Sunnah Muakkadah prayers must be performed as four units. If a person performs them as two two units, it will not be considered sunnah prayers but rather it will be counted as nafl (optional prayer).


In a hadith narrated by Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet said:

The (voluntary) prayers of the night and day are two rakats (by two).” (Reported in Sahih Bukhari)



Only Allah Knows Best.

Answered by Maulana Sarfraz Mohammad

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






عن عائشة رضی اللہ عنہا: أن النبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کان لا یدع أربعا قبل الظہر، ورکعتین قبل الغداة(صحیح البخاری:۱/۱۵۷)


 عن أبی أیوب، أن النبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کان یصلی قبل الظہر أربعا إذا زالت الشمس، لا یفصل بینہن بتسلیم، وقال: إن أبواب السماء تفتح إذا زالت الشمس

(سنن ابن ماجہ: ۸۰،باب ما جاء فی الأربع الرکعات قبل الظہر) 



فلو بتسلیمتین لم تنب عن السنة، ولذا لو نذرہا لا یخرج عنہ بتسلیمتین، وبعکس یخرج

(الدر المختار ورد المحتار: 2/ ۴۵۱،ط:)






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