Types of Sadaqah for the Masjid

CategoriesZakah [311]

Fatwa ID: 05718


Answered by: Mufti Mujahid Hussain




I have a question regarding a Mosque Organisation (The Trust) that I help to run.


The Trust collects donations from members of the public and uses them for community projects which they run, food, general maintenance of the Mosque/properties and for purchasing property/land.


We would like to simplify this process and have only two boxes (Sadaqah Wajiba & Sadaqah Nafila).


a) Could you provide a list of donations that would come under each category (i.e: Sadaqah, Zakat, Kaffarah, Sadaqatul-Fitr etc)


b) Where someone has donated Sadaqah Nafila to the Trust – can the trust use it for any purpose it sees fit?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Zakat and Sadaqah Wajibah


Sadaqah Wajibah covers: 1. Sadaqatul-Fitr 2. Nadhr 3. Fidyah 4. Kaffarah  5. Udhiyyah


These donations all have a specific destination and cannot be used for the Masjid.


I suggest next to this box should be empty envelopes so when an individual intends to donate they can seal the donation inside the envelope and on the back he or she can write the specific cause and if need be, the destination of these donations.



Sadaqah Nafilah


This box would cover 1. Lillah 2. Sadaqah Jariyah  3. Sadaqah for the removal of difficulties 4. Sadaqah for the expiation of sins or for repentance.


This is general sadaqah and the donations from this box can be used by the trust for any purpose it sees fit as long as it is used for something the general community would not have an issue with. The use of these donations for anything inappropriate would be a breach of the community’s trust.


Please note Sadaqah Jariyah needs to be used for causes that have a lasting contribution e.g. prayer mats or masjid construction.


It cannot be used for one-off projects e.g. providing water bottles for the community during Taraweeh.



Only Allah knows best.

Written by Mufti Mujahid Hussain

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham




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