Uncertainty about purity and wet dream.

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 02732

Answered by: Aalimah Nasima Umm Hamza


Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah!

please help for the sake of my peace and the validity of my prayers. May Allah reward you.

I am one who suffers from both waswas and wet dreams quite regularly. Usually, it is only pre-fluid (mazi) and not semen (mani) that I find after waking up, but for Hanafi's this necessitates Ghusl after seeing a dream.

This morning after fajr, I took a nap. After 20 mins I felt a heaviness so I went into the bathroom and found a small amount of mazi, however, I couldn't remember seeing a dream at all, so I just did istinja and went back to sleep as there is no Ghusl in this case. I slept after that for about 1-2 hours on and off, very disturbed with different random dreams. When I finally woke up I went to the toilet to get ready for Jummah.

I keep a bunch of tissues wrapped around my privates for a separate issue of incontinence, so I removed the tissue. At that point I did not remember having a dream during the second nap, I had a quick glance at my private's and it looked clean and dry, no obvious discharge but I didn't look for very long and I was still waking up.

Also I didn't check the tissue before I put it in the toilet. It felt fine but I didn't look inside at all. After urinating and doing istinja I remembered that I had saw a dream. There was no sexual action but there was nudity, so I began to panic because I'd already done istinja and disposed of the tissue so I couldn't check for mazi.

I highly doubt there would be any mani because ejaculating normally wakes me up and makes everything very heavy. But there could have been mazi that I didn't check, or mazi that dried. Then the waswas started telling me that maybe I had seen that dream during my first nap, and that the mazi I found after that first 20 mins was from that, so I should do Ghusl.

But I feel strongly that I saw the dream in my second and longer sleep. There was very little time until jummah, I messaged my local imam whose number I have, and he told me that because I didn't see or feel anything it's fine, even though I basically didn't check. So I prayed jummah but I'm panicked that I'm impure or that my prayers are invalid. Please help.

On the other hand, I feel pretty confident that my first nap can be dismissed because I don't recall a dream from then, and as for the second nap I didn't see any mazi and the dream wasn't very sexual. But on the other hand, I don't remember all of the dreams and I didn't check the tissue, mazi May have been there or dried. Please advise soon. Jazakallahu khairan.


بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.


Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh,

Because you did not have a wet dream (only sexual in nature), and you were sure that your private parts were dry, then you would act upon your preponderant circumstance, which is that there was no mani. Therefore ghusl would not be waajib for you. [1]

We should always act upon the certain thing at that time, and ignore any doubts thereafter, because certainty is not removed by doubts, rather the doubts are only waswas of the shaytaan.


Allah (swt) alone knows best.


Answered by Aalimah Nasima Umm Hamza

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham



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