Unsure On Whether Impurity Has Leaked From An Infection

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 07521



Answered by: Maulana Ubaidur Rahman




I have an infection on my backside and I saw some discharge on my underwear. I’m not sure if it’s discharge or the cream that I’m using to treat it or both mixed together. It’s most likely discharge as it has been discharging.


I went into my car and put my hoodie on my seat then sat on it but I remembered I wiped my wet hands on my hoodie around 2 minutes before.


I felt the right side of my backside and it was dry but I didn’t feel the middle or the left side. I’m not sure if they got wet or even a little damp. I then sat on my car seat without the hoodie and I did not feel wetness.


After I drove I felt my seat and it was dry. Did I spread impurities on my seat?





In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Wet surfaces transfer impurities through the wet characteristics which they possess. This wetness allows the impurities to transfer across surfaces. This same element does not exist in between dry products. 


Wherever there is doubt then certainty can not be established. On this basis, the uncertainty regarding whether the impurity transferred or not, or where the dampness specifically transferred from, then the lesser of two outcomes is chosen. 


This means to say the better option will be chosen unless it is established with certainty that impurity did actively transfer from the discharge to the seat.


Impurity does not transfer from one surface to the other unless substantially wet. The sign of filth on one of the surfaces has to be certain and known to be there i.e. from smell, taste or colour; or one of the surfaces has to be containing a high level of wetness in order for impurities to transfer successfully between two separate surfaces which are independent from each other.


The impurity or wetness from the possible discharge did not spread as it is uncertain if the discharge was present or not.  Further, it is uncertain if any wetness was present on your backside if it was from the cream or from the discharge. The cream in itself will not be impure as it is a medical aid and not established as an impurity. Your wet hands being dried by your hoody does not make it impure.


The impurity did not transfer onto your seat. 




Only Allah knows best.

Answered by: Maulana Ubaidur Rahman

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






Qawaaid Fiqhiyyah, Page 77, Darul Tirmizi.


Qawaaid Fiqhiyyah, Page 65, Darul Tirmizi.







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