Urine on the Carpet

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 06363


Answered by: Maulana Burhaan Rahman




I was doing wudhu wearing leather sandals and had stepped onto the floor which I’m pretty sure had urine on it then I stepped back into sandals after I washed my foot again but hadn’t washed the sandal and I used sandals for wudhu afterwards many times and stepped into other shoes and prayer mats etc. Do I need to wash all prayer mats,



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Urine is a significant thing concerning the cleaning of it thoroughly. Our beloved prophet (SAW):


أَكْثَرُ عَذَابِ الْقَبْرِ مِنَ الْبَوْلِ


Most of the torment of the grave is because of urine. [Ibn Maajah Hadeeth no: 348]


So one is to make sure he/she always tries his/her best to always be urine free whether it’s on the private parts, clothes, carpets etc. it is compulsory to keep everything free of urine.


In the question, you mentioned that you were pretty sure urine was on the floor and you stepped on it before slipping your feet into the sandal. At that time, it was essential for you to clean it straight away as you had complete knowledge of it. We learn from our mistakes Inshaa Allah and we are to be cautious in the future especially when it is to urine.


To ensure that all urine is cleaned, you are advised to wash the carpets to remove complete doubt regarding being urine-free.


Our beloved Prophet (SAW) mentions:


دَعْ مَا يَرِيبُكَ إِلَى مَا لاَ يَرِيبُكَ


Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt. [Nasa’I Hadeeth no: 5711]


May Allah SWT give us the ability to be free from all doubts and negativities!



Only Allah knows best.

Written by Maulana Burhaan Rahman

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham











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