Using A Dry Tissue To Wipe A Toilet Seat

CategoriesTaharah [532]

Fatwa ID: 07553



Answered by: Aalimah Saleha Bukhari Islam





Can we wipe a toilet seat (non-porous and smooth) with a dry tissue to purify it?


Whilst it’s flushing impure splashes go into it.




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful





A small amount of stagnant water as in the toilet bowl is considered impure after contact with impurity because there is no flow to remove the traces of impurity. However, flushing the toilet literally flushes away the water polluted by najasah in the bowl and replaces it with clean water.


The force of the flow purifies the water by adding pure water to it until it flows, and on this basis, it will be deemed pure once all traces of impurity disappear. Nevertheless, the splashes that come forth onto the toilet seat through the flow of flushing are considered impure. 


In this situation, a surface that does not have clear visible pores, such as the toilet seat can be cleansed by merely wiping away the impurity such that no traces of it remain on the surface (colour or smell). You do not need to specifically wash the area.


However, if you choose to wash the area to put your mind at rest, merely pouring water over the affected area is sufficient to remove the impurity. Ensure the surface is wiped dry prior to washing to avoid spreading the impurity. Alternatively, you may also consider closing the toilet lid to contain the splashes from the flushing and to reduce the doubt in your mind.


Remember, water by nature purifies, thus, there is no need to exaggerate or go beyond the basic requirements of cleansing due to excessive thoughts and doubts. This aligns with the legal maxim, “there is no consideration for mere suspicion,” meaning that legal judgments cannot be based on the mere possibility of an occurrence but rather it is based on evidence.

[Qawaid Al Fiqhiyyah P25]




Only Allah knows best.

Written by Aalimah Saleha Bukhari Islam

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham


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