Using Wet Wipes Instead Of Toilet Paper

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 07426



Answered by: Maulana Ubaidur Rahman



Can we use wet wipes instead of toilet paper to wipe after defecation. I have heard that this only transfers the impurity and that the object used must be dry.




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful





If the amount of area which has become soiled or dirty from istinjaaa is less than a dirham or equivalent to the size of a dirham, then wet wipes will be enough to wipe away that impurity.


However, if the impurity is much larger than the size of a dirham, with stool, for example, then it will be necessary to use water to clean it thoroughly.




1Kanz ud Daqaaiq, Page 152, Maktabatus Shaamila.


2 Raddul ul Muhtaar Sharhy Tanweer il Absaar, Page 46, Maktabatus Shaamila.



1 يطهر البدن والثّوب بالماء وبمائعٍ مزيلٍ كالخلّ وماء الورد لا الدّهن

وعفي قدر الدّرهم كعرض الكفّ من نجسٍ مغلّظٍ كالدّم والخمر وخرء الدّجاج وبول ما لا يؤكل والرّوث والخثي

وما دون ربع الثّوب من مخفّفٍ كبول ما يؤكل والفرس وخرء طيرٍ لا يؤكل



2  يزول به أثرها (وإلاجرم لها كبول (فيغسل، ويطهر (صقيللا مسام له (كمرآةوظفر وعظم وزجاج وآنية مدهونة أو خراطي وصفائح فضة غير منقوشة بمسح يزول به أثرها مطلقا، به يفتى




Only Allah knows best

Written by Maulana Ubaidur Rahman.

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah.

Darul Ifta Birmingham.







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