Waswasa of doing Kufr by Mistake

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Fatwa ID: 03689

Answered by: Alimah Sabrina al-Faarsiyyah



Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

I keep getting wasawis that if you do this act or this sin or that sin it will amount to kufr. So I keep saying 'no condition,' meaning I don't want to put my Imaan on any condition of doing any kind of act or not doing of any kind of act or sin or anything. No condition at all. May Allah Ta'ala make me die with Imaan and all Muslims. Ameen


So, once I was getting wasawis so I said no condition but I said 'no' inside my mind and I uttered the word 'condition'. Although I actually meant no condition. Then I got worried if only the word condition was uttered so nauzobillah does it mean condition even though I meant no condition?

I usually keep doing that when wasawis come to mind and I don't know how many times I may have thought of half the word and uttered the other half.


Inside my thought or all uttered (no condition)

1. Does it mean nauzobillah it went on condition? (nauzobillah)  

  I never ever want to put my Imaan on any condition. I keep saying in my mind and utter as well cause I get strong wasawis.


2. I found out that deliberate kufr or shirk thoughts are haram but doesn't make one kafir unless one speaks of it or accepts it in heart nauzobillah. I keep getting wasawis that voluntary thoughts make one kaafir. I keep saying they are not my thoughts but rather shaitanic thoughts and even if those thoughts do come voluntarily or seem voluntary. They do not make one kafir. So I say that I don't want to put my Imaan on condition that voluntary thoughts make one kafir as of voluntary bad thoughts doesn't make one kaafir. So I say no condition and no bad intentions and it's sinful to think bad intentionally, but it doesn't make one kafir unless he speaks or accepts in the heart. Is my concept clear here and is my Imaan intact in all of above?

JazakAllah Khair


بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful



In the sharī’ah, there is no consideration for wasāwis (doubts and whispers).[1] Therefore, it does not affect your īmān or your actions. Now, when it does not affect you in any way, why are you constantly worried about it? You have over-engaged yourself with it and it is time you let it go. It will be hard in the beginning, but you will learn to ignore it as you progress.


One does not leave the fold of Islām except by (knowingly and deliberately) denying that which originally caused him to enter it.[2] Always remember that Allah knows what is in your heart and what you actually intended on saying/doing, and He will not hold you accountable for your wasāwis.


One way to overcome wasāwis is by seeking knowledge. Once you learn more about the rulings of the sharī’ah, you learn harām from halāl, permissible from non-permissible, things that cause kufr and things that do not, you will learn to overcome your doubts. This is because you know exactly what the sharī’ah has said, so you will no longer remain in doubt.



Only Allah knows best

Written by Alimah Sabrina al-Faarsiyyah

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Iftā Birmingham



[1] Ad-Da’aas, Al-Qawaid al-Fiqhiyyah


[2] Shurunbulali, Ascent to Felicity pg. 31, White Thread



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