Waswasa On Aqeedah

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Fatwa ID: 07530




Answered by Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat










I have a question about listening to subliminal audios,



I have full tawakkul (reliance) upon Allah (s.w.t.) and make dua everyday Alhamdulillah,
but I listen to subliminal positive affirmations to boost my mood. I don’t know how I got addicted to it, InshaAllah it is not a waswasa from Shaytan.


But the affirmations are “desired life” affirmations, or a goal to achieve, for example, in studying, moving out etc.



Nothing related to Islam.



And I believe for sure that all things come from Allah (s.w.t.) and Allah (s.w.t.) is the creator of everything and capable of doing everything.



Subhan’Allah Azeem.


So my question is, are these subliminals considered shirk to listen to?



What is haram in subliminals? Is the law of attraction haram?







In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful












(explain in brief) and conclude



In the Hanafi school of thought, belief in the oneness of Allah (Tawhid) is central, and anything that compromises that belief can fall into shirk (associating partners with Allah).



When examining issues like subliminal audios or the law of attraction, it is important to understand how these practices align with the core principles of reliance on Allah (Tawakkul) and belief in His power over all things.


  1. Subliminal Audios and Shirk
  • Understanding Subliminal Audios: Subliminal audios typically contain positive affirmations designed to influence the subconscious mind. These affirmations might focus on personal growth, achieving goals, or boosting confidence. If these affirmations are purely motivational and do not attribute power or influence upon anything other than Allah, then from a Hanafi perspective, they do not constitute shirk.


when discussing the concept of shirk, it is clarified that shirk occurs when a person attributes divine powers or authority to something other than Allah.


If you listen to these subliminal audios with the belief that all good comes from Allah and the affirmations are simply tools for personal motivation or focus, then this does not fall under shirk.


However, it is essential to maintain the understanding that the results and achievements come from Allah alone, and not from the subliminal themselves.


  1. What Would Make Subliminals Haram?
  • Content of Subliminal: Subliminal would be considered haram if they contain affirmations or messages that contradict Islamic teachings. For example, if the subliminal promotes reliance on other forces or beings besides Allah, encourages sinful behaviour, or contains elements of magic or superstition, they would be impermissible.
  • If the affirmations in subliminal remain neutral and do not promote ideas contrary to Islamic beliefs, they are not inherently haram. However, care must be taken to avoid content that may indirectly promote reliance on non-Islamic concepts.
  1. The Law of Attraction and Islam
  • Understanding the Law of Attraction: The law of attraction teaches that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. In its basic form, the law of attraction can seem harmless, as it encourages positive thinking. However, it becomes problematic if one believes that their thoughts alone can “create” outcomes, independent of Allah’s will.
  • Hanafi Perspective on the Law of Attraction: The problem arises if the law of attraction is understood to attribute divine-like power to human thought, as that would undermine Tawhid (the oneness of Allah) by suggesting that humans can control their destinies independently of Allah’s decree. In Islam, it is essential to acknowledge that everything happens by the will and power of Allah alone, as Allah has mentioned in Surah Tawbah:51- Only what God has decreed will happen to us.
  • Therefore, if the law of attraction is used in a way that affirms Allah’s ultimate control and power, without attributing power to human thought alone, it would not be considered shirk or haram. However, if it leads one to believe that their thoughts alone create their reality without Allah’s intervention, it would be problematic and could fall under shirk.

The conclusion from a Hanafi Perspective:

  1. Subliminal Audios: Listening to subliminal audios is not shirk as long as:
    • You believe that all outcomes come from Allah.
    • The content is not contrary to Islamic teachings or promoting ideas that contradict Tawhid.
  2. What is Haram in Subliminal? Subliminal would be haram if they:
    • Promote reliance on other forces besides Allah.
    • Contain content that encourages actions or beliefs against Islamic teachings.
  3. Law of Attraction: The law of attraction is not haram if understood in the context of Tawakkul (reliance on Allah). However, it would be considered problematic if it promotes the belief that thoughts alone, independent of Allah, can create outcomes.




Maintaining Tawakkul upon Allah, making dua, and believing that all power and results come from Him is essential. Subliminals and positive thinking can be tools for motivation, but they should never replace or compete with your reliance on Allah.




I hope that this answers the question.







Only Allah knows best.

Written by Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham







 الشرك هو أن يجعل لله شريكًا في ربوبيته أو ألوهيته أو أسمائه أو صفاته(Fatawa Hindiyya, vol. 2, p. 259)

 كل ما فيه دعوة إلى الكفر أو استعانة بغير الله فهو محرم(Radd al-Muhtar, vol. 6, p. 371)





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