What Are the Faraaidh and Sunnah and Wajib of Salah

CategoriesSalaah [976]

Fatwa ID: 04255

Answered by: Alimah Sabrina Al-Faarsiyyah




1)What are the fardh and sunnah and wajib of salah (before and after)?

2)What are other things one should say (eg Allahu magfirli between sajadahs?

3)In the last part of salah ie after saying KalimahShadah we pray Darood Ibrahim and after that Dua taught to Abu Bakr RA by Muhammad PBUH. Can we pray some other dua in Arabic after the aforementioned dua?



بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful






1.    Saying the first Takbir

2.    Standing (qiyam)

3.    Recitation of Qur’an (qira’ah)

4.    Making ruku’

5.    Making sajdah

6.    Sitting in the last sitting for a time equivalent to the reading of tashahhud




1.    To recite surah Al-Fatiha in the first two rak’aat of a 3 &4-unit salah and in all the rak’aat of witr and nafl prayers.

2.    To recite another surah which is either three short verses, or one long verse after reciting al-Fatiha in the first two rak’aat of a 3 &4-unit salah and in all rak’aat of witr and nafl prayers.

3.    To recite Al-Fatiha first, and thereafter another surah in order.

4.    To do every action which occurs more than once one after the other in order eg. to go for the second sajdah right after the first sajdah.

5.    To perform all acts of salah with moderation and tranquillity.

6.    To pray tashahhud in the first sitting (after raising one’s head from the second sajdah of the second rak’ah) and also in the last sitting.

7.    To stand for the third rak’ah immediately after one finished reciting tashahhud

8.    Praying the Qunut Dua in the witr prayer

9.    Saying the Takbir of the Eid prayers

10. For an imam to recite loudly in the prayers of Jum’ah, Eid, Tarawih, the witr of Ramadan, Fajr and in the first two rak’aat of Maghrib & Isha prayer. One who is praying alone has a choice of whether he wants to pray these prayers loudly or silently.

11. For an Imam and for the one prayer alone (munfarid) to recite silently in the last two rakaat of Isha salah, last rak’ah of maghrib salah, and in Zuhr and Asr.

12. Leave the prayer with two salaams.




1.    To stand straight without moving one’s head when saying the first takbir

2.    To raise one’s hands parallel to one’s ears

3.    To face the palms and fingers of one’s hands towards the qiblah

4.    When raising the hands for takbir, to leave one’s fingers as they are without spreading them apart or joining them together

5.    For a man to place the right hand over the left hand below one’s navel; by placing the palm of his right hand over the back of his left hand clasping the wrists with the pinky finger and thumb ie. forming a ring.

6.    Men should keep their feet four fingers apart

7.    To recite thanaa

8.    To recite tha’awwuz (a’oothubillah) after thanaa

9.    To recite tasmiya at the beginning of every rak’ah before beginning surah al-Fatiha

10. To say aameen silently after al-Fatiha

11. To recite long surahs (Hujuraat to Burooj) in Fajr and Zuhr, medium length surahs (Burooj to Bayyinah) in Asr and Isha salah and short surahs (Bayyinah to Naas) in the Maghrib salah.

12. To lengthen the first rak’ah of the fardh of Fajr only

13. To say ‘subhaanarabbiyal ‘adheem’ thrice in ruku

14. To grasp the knees with the hands in ruku’ spreading the fingers in ruku for men

15. To keep the legs straight in ruku

16. For men, to keep their back flat in ruku’, making sure the head levelled with their buttocks

17. For men, the inner side of their arms to be away from their ribs

18. To recite ‘sami’allaahulimanhamidah’ when rising from ruku’

19. To pause for a while in the upright standing position after the ruku’

20. To recite ‘Allahummarabbanawalakalhamd’ in the upright standing position before sajdah

21. When making sajdah, to place the knees on the surface first, then hands, and then lastly the face and then lifting these parts in the reverse order when raising from sajdah

22. Saying takbir when going to and rising from sajdah

23. Placing the head between the hands in sajdah

24. Saying ‘SubhaanarabbiyalA’laa’ thrice in sajdah

25. For men, to keep his stomach away from his thighs, the elbows away from the sides, and forearms away from the ground.

26. The two heels to be kept together in sajdah

27. For men, to spread the left foot and raise the right foot, making the toes face the qiblah. The hands should be placed on the thighs.

28. To raise the index finger of the right hand when saying the words ‘laailaaha’ of the tashahhud and lowering it when saying ‘illallaahu’

29. To recite durudibrahim after the tashahhud in the final sitting

30. To follow it by reading a du’a, using words found in the Qur’an or Hadith. The du’a should not be in the words of common people.

31. To say salam to the right first and thereafter to the left

32. When saying salaam, for the imam to make intention for all the people, angels and the pious jinn following him. For the one praying behind him, to make an intention for the imam, together with the people, and for the one praying alone to make an intention of the angels only.

33. The salaam of the Imam and those praying behind him should be simultaneously

34. The late comer in salah should wait for the imam to finish his salaam first, then stand up to finish the remaining of his salah.



As for whether you can pray another dua in Arabic in the last sitting (qa’dahakheerah) or not, it is permissible provided that the dua is such a dua that has been mentioned in the Qur’an or Hadith. One should make dua for himself, his parents, and other Muslims, this is sunnah. He should say the dua mentioned in the Qur’an

“Rabbanaa aatina fid dunya hasanatawwa fil aakhirati hasanataw waqina aadhaaban naar”.


He should refrain from making such a du’a that resembles the speech of people such as “O Allah, marry me with so and so” even if it is done in Arabic, as doing so can disturb the salah.[1]

[1] al-Fatawa al-Hindiyyah V1, pp. 125-136, al-Maktabah al-Faisal




Only Allah knows best

Written by Alimah Sabrina Al-Faarsiyyah

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham



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