What Are the Islamic Rulings Related to Someone Suffering From Dementia?

CategoriesMedical & Health & Beauty [141]

Fatwa ID: 06574


Answered by: Maulana Mohammed Haroon Hussain




My mother-in-law has dementia. She forgets a lot and has no concept of time. When we remind her of salaah, she insists that she read. What do we do in a case like that? Are we still responsible for kaffara for her fasts and salaat?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




This will depend on the severity of dementia. If they get to a level where the memory loss is so severe that it is as if they have no memory or understanding of what is happening, then in principle such a person becomes excused because the faculty of sanity is no longer found. I would advise getting a local Mufti involved because before giving a general statement on this, the following need to be considered:


– Her medical condition needs to be confirmed by an astute Muslim doctor specialising in dementia (if possible).


– Her actual state in terms of performing Islamic legal duties


– An interview or observation of the patient.1


In principle, if an ill person prays at the wrong time, whether intentionally or by mistake, or prays without recitation or without wudhu, the prayer will not be valid2. If the memory loss is not so bad, then a better way to pray would be for someone to lead them in prayer, so that they can follow it at the appropriate times. If that is not possible, someone can stand next to them and tell them which rakaat they are on etc.3


As far as kaffarah for salaah is concerned, that is usually done after a person has passed away. The kaffarah for fasting can be done during a person’s life if they know that they will never again be of sound health with which they can fast4.



Only Allah knows the best

Written by Maulana Mohammed Haroon Hussain

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham





1 Dementia-and-Alzheimers-Impact-on-Islamic-Rulings.pdf (darul-ilm.co.uk) – page 38



2 وإن صلى المريض قبل الوقت عمدا أو خطأ مخافة أن يشغله المرض عن الصلاة لم يجزئه وكذلك لو صلى بغير قراءة أو بغير وضوء لم يجزئه أيضا فإن عجز عن القراءة يومئ إيماء بغير قراءة

الفتاوى الهندية – جلد 1 – ص 152 – كتاب الصلاة – الباب الرابع عشر في صلاة المريض – دار الكتب العلمية



3 مصل أقعد عند نفسه إنسانا فيخبره إذا سها عن ركوع أو سجود يجزيه إذا لم يمكنه إلا بهذا، كذا في القنية

الفتاوى الهندية – جلد 1 – ص 152 – كتاب الصلاة – الباب الرابع عشر في صلاة المريض – دار الكتب العلمية



4 إذا مات الرجل وعليه صلوات فائتة فأوصى بأن تعطى كفارة صلواته يعطى لكل صلاة نصف صاع من بر وللوتر نصف صاع ولصوم يوم نصف صاع من ثلث ماله وإن لم يترك مالا يستقرض ورثته نصف صاع ويدفع إلى مسكين ثم يتصدق المسكين على بعض ورثته ثم يتصدق ثم وثم حتى يتم لكل صلاة ما ذكرنا، كذا في الخلاصة

الفتاوى الهندية – جلد 1 – ص 138 – كتاب الصلاة – الباب الحادي عشر في قضاء الفوائت – دار الكتب العلمية









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