What Are the Virtues of Ramadhan and Lailatul Qadr

CategoriesSawm (fast) [322]

Fatwa ID: 04549

Answered by: Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah




What are the virtues of Ramadhan and Lailatul Qadr?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful





Saaiduna Kaab Bin Ujra Radiallahu Anhu relates, that the Prophet of Allah Sallallah Alahi Wasalam said; “Come near to the mimbar.” And we came near to the Mimbar, when he ascended the first step of the mimbar he said ‘Ameen.’ When he ascended the second step he said, ‘Ameen.’ When he ascended the third step he said ‘Ameen.’ When he descended we said, “O Prophet of Allah, we have heard from you today something which we have never heard before.” He said when I ascended the first step, Jibraeel Alayhis Salam appeared before me and said, “Woe to him who found the blessed month of Ramadhan and let it pass by without gaining forgiveness,” upon that I said Ameen. When I ascended the second step he said “Woe to him before whom my name is mentioned and then does not read duruud on you.” I replied Ameen’ When I ascended the third step he said, “Woe unto the person in whose presence both parents or one of them attained old age and (through failure to serve them) is not allowed to enter Jannah” upon which I said Ameen’. (Mustadrak Hakim)



Saaiduna Abu Saeed Khudri Radiallahu Anhu relates that the Prophet of Allah Sallallah Alahi Wasalam said, every day and night of Ramadhan Allah sets free a great number of souls from Jahanaam. And for every Muslim during every day and night, there is a time when his dua is certainly accepted. (Bazzaar)



Saaiduna Abu Hurairah Radiallahu Anhu narrates that the Prophet of Allah Sallallah Alahi Wasalam said; “The time between the five prayers, two consecutive Friday Prayers, and two consecutive Ramadhans are expiation for all that has happened during that period provided that one has avoided the major sins.” (Sahih Muslim p.122 v.1)



Saaiduna Abu Hurairah Radiallahu Anhu reports that the Prophet of Allah Sallallah Alahi Wasalam said; “Whoever stands in prayer with faith and sincere hope of gaining reward, his previous sins are forgiven.” (Sahih Bukhari p.269 v.1)



Saaiduna Anas Radiallahu Anhu reports; “Once when Ramadhan commenced, the Prophet of Allah Sallallah Alahi Wasalam said; “A month has verily dawned over you wherein lies a night better than one thousand months whoever is deprived of its blessings has indeed deprived of a good. And no one is deprived of its good except he who is completely unfortunate.” (Sunan Ibn Majah)



Only Allah Knows Best

Written by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham



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