What does blowing in these ahadith mean

CategoriesKnowledge [361]

Fatwa ID: 01415

Answered by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah


What does blowing in these ahadith mean



In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.

1.    Narrated by Saaidah Aisha raḍyAllāhu 'anhu (may Allāh be pleased with him) that during the Prophet's fatal illness, he used to recite the Mu'auwidhat (Surat An-Nas and Surat Al-Falaq) and then blow his breath over his body. When his illness was aggravated, I used to recite those two Suras and blow my breath over him and make him rub his body with his own hand for its blessings." (Ma'mar asked Az-Zuhri: How did the Prophet use to blow? Az-Zuhri said: He used to blow on his hands and then passed them over his face.) 

2.    Narrated by Saaiduna Abu Said Al-Khudri raḍyAllāhu 'anhu (may Allāh be pleased with him) that some of the companions of the Prophet came across a tribe amongst the tribes of the Arabs, and that tribe did not entertain them. While they were in that state, the chief of that tribe was bitten by a snake (or stung by a scorpion). They said, (to the companions of the Prophet ), "Have you got any medicine with you or anybody who can treat with Ruqya?" The Prophet's companions said, "You refuse to entertain us, so we will not treat (your chief) unless you pay us for it." So they agreed to pay them a flock of sheep. One of them (the Prophet's companions) started reciting Surat-al-Fatiha and gathering his saliva and spitting it (at the snake-bite). The patient got cured and his people presented the sheep to them, but they said, "We will not take it unless we ask the Prophet (whether it is lawful)." When they asked him, he smiled and said, "How do you know that Surat-al-Fatiha is a Ruqya? Take it (flock of sheep) and assign a share for me." 

3.    Narrated by Saaiduna Ibn Abbas raḍyAllāhu 'anhu (may Allāh be pleased with him) that some of the companions of the Prophet passed by some people staying at a place where there was water, and one of those people had been stung by a scorpion. A man from those staying near the water, came and said to the companions of the Prophet, "Is there anyone among you who can do Ruqya as near the water there is a person who has been stung by a scorpion." So one of the Prophet's companions went to him and recited Surat-al-Fatiha for a sheep as his fees. The patient got cured and the man brought the sheep to his companions who disliked that and said, "You have taken wages for reciting Allah's Book." When they arrived at Medina, they said, ' O Allah's Apostle! (This person) has taken wages for reciting Allah's Book" On that Allah's Apostle said, "You are most entitled to take wages for doing a Ruqya with Allah's Book." 
In the first two ahadith the word “Nafth” is used which means blowing without spit whereas in the third hadith the word “Tafl” is used which means blowing with spit. (Fathul Bari p.244 v.10)
Only Allah Knows Best

Mohammed Tosir Miah
Darul Ifta Birmingham

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