Fatwa ID: 01680
Answered by Mufti Abdullah al-Ma’mun
What is the fitnah of dajjal?
Meaning of ‘Fitnah’ in al-Mawrid: trial, ordeal, affliction, distress, tumult, commotion, turmoil, sedition, riot, disturbance, trouble, unrest, strife.
(al-Mawrid Pg:815)
It is narrated by Hadhrat Jabir (RD) the Prophet Muhammad said: There is no fitnah which will arise before the final hour greater than the fitnah of Dajjal, and there has been no prophet in the past, except that they warned their people, and indeed, I am about to inform you that which no prophet has informed before. Then He
placed his hand on his eye and said: I bear witness that Allah Ta’aala is not one-eyed.
(Mustadrak lil-Haakim vol:1 pg:76)
It is narrated by Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah (RD) that Prophet would say immediately after every salah: Oh Allah! I seek your protection from the punishment of the grave and from the punishment of the hell fire and from the fitnah of the living and the dead and from the fitnah of Dajjal.
(Mustadrak lil-Haakim vol:1 pg:406)
Amongst the signs of the Day of Judgment, the emergence of Dajjal is a major sign. It is stated in the hadith that Dajjal will be blind in his left eye which will be protruding like a grape. He will have with him Jannat (Paradise) and Jahannam (Hell-fire) although the Jannat will in reality be Jahannam and the Jahannam will in reality be Jannat. All the believers will be able to identify him as Dajjal as he will have imprinted on his forehead the word ‘kafir’. However, the Iman of the believers will be very weak which will result in many people falling into his deception. He will travel around claiming to be Allah as he will have the power to resurrect bodies from their graves, and make rainfall at command etc.
Hadhrat Imraan bin Husain (RD) narrates that Prophet said: "Those who hear about Dajjal should stay far from him. By Allah! A person will approach him thinking him to be a Believer, but on seeing his amazing feats he will become his follower."
(al-Ahkam al-Shar’iyyah al-Kubra vol:4 pg:560)
Hadhrat Abu Saeed al-Khudhri (RD) narrates that Prophet said: “Dajjal will come but it will be prohibited and impossible for him to enter Madina. He will set up camp in a barren land outside Madina. One person who will be the best of persons will confront him by saying: “I bear witness that you are the very Dajjal about whom Prophet
has informed us." Dajjal will say to his followers, "If I kill this person and then revive him, will you people still doubt me?" They will reply, "No." He will then kill this person, (according to another narration he will split this person in two) and thereafter revive him. This person will say, "I am totally convinced more than ever before that you definitely are Dajjal." Dajjal will attempt to kill this person again but his efforts will now be in vain.
(Bukhari no:1749)
In brief, Dajjal will continue to spread disbelief and corruption everywhere except the two holy places; Makka and Madina until the descending of Hadhrat Isa (A) who will finally destroy him. Prophet has exhorted us to seek protection from his fitnah. Hadhrat Abu Darda (RD) narrates that Prophet
has said: "Whoever memorises (and in other narrations ‘recites’) the first 10 verses of Surah al-Kahf will be safeguarded from the fitnah of Dajjal".
(Sunan al-Kubra li-Nasa’ee vol:6 pg:235 no:10785)
Only Allah Knows Best
Written by Mufti Abdullah al-Ma’mun
Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah
Darul Ifta Birmingham