What is the significance of the 15th of Sha’baan?

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What is the significance of the 15th of Sha’baan?

Allah (swa) is merciful and time and time again he looks to his slave s to do any small deeds in which the Almighty will forgive them. Throughout the year Allah (swa) has bestowed upon us special occasions where his slaves could ask Allah for mercy and forgiveness.

Some examples will be the month of Ramadan and Lailatul-Qadr. Similarly, there is also another night where Allah will forgive our sins and grant us mercy. This night is called “Lailatul Baraat,” the 15th of Shabaan.


It should be borne in mind that majority of the narrations declaring the benefits and virtues of this night is actually quite weak. However, since these narrations are quite numerous and the weakness in many of the hadith is not severe, thus it will be considered as authentic because of the great amount of narrations.

Some Ahadeeth concerning “Lailatul Baraat” is as follows:

1.      Hazrat Aaisha (ra) says: “I woke up one night and did not find Rasullullah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam. I went outside and found him in Jannatul Baqee. He said to me “Did you fear that Allah and his Messenger would oppress you? I replied “O Rasullullah (saw) I thought you had gone to one of the other wives.” He then said to me “Allah descends to the nearest sky on the 15th of Shabaan and he forgives more people than the number of hair on the goats of the tribe of Banu Kalb.” (Tirmizi p.156 v.1)

2.      It is narrated by Abu Musa Al-Ashari (ra) that on the 15th of Shabaan Allah appears during the night and he forgives his whole creatures except the polytheists or the one who bears hatred in the hearts for others. (Ibn Majah p.99 v.1)

3.      In the night of mid-Shabaan, you should offer prayer during the night and observe fast during the day because Allah descends to the heaven of the world at the time of sunset and then he pronounces, “Is there none who should seek forgiveness from me so that I should forgive him?” Is there none who should ask for the means of sustenance so that I should provide him with the means of sustenance?” “Is there none afflicted by some trouble so that I should relieve him of it?” He does not cease to pronounce is there so ad so, is there so and so till the dawn appears.  (Ibn-Majah p.99 v.1)

4.      Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) narrates that Rasullullah (saw) said “On the 15th of Shabaan Allah descends to the lowest heavens. He therefore, forgives everyone besides an idolator and one in whose heart there is hatred for others. (Baihaqi – Targheeb wat- Tarheeb p.459 v.3)

5.      The Holy Prophet (saw) has said about the 15th of Shabaan: “In this night the names of all human beings are recorded who are to be destined to be born in the resulting year. The names of those who are destined to die during that year are also recorded. This is the night in which their deeds are raised up and their sustenance is sent down. (Baihaqi)

To visit graveyards on auspicious and blessed nights like the 15th of Shabaan, two eids and the Day of Aashurah is preferable (Afzal).

The aforementioned ruling is mentioned in Fatawa Hindiyyah p.350 v.5.

The visiting of the graveyard on the 15th of Shabaan is proven through the practice of Rasullullah (Saw). (This is proven in Hadith no.1)

The method of reading Salatul Tasbeeh is as follows:

·        Intention should be made for four rakaats Salah.

·        After reciting the thana, surah fatiha and another surah the person should recite the following dua 15 times before going into ruku: Subhana Allah Walhamdu Lillah Wala Ilaha Ilallah Wallhu Akbar.

·        He should then go into ruku and after reading subhana rabiyal azeem 3 times, he should again recite the above dua 10 times.

·        He should then stand up from the ruku and after reading rabana lakal hamd, he should again recite the above dua 10 times.

·        He should then go into sajdah and after reading subhana rabiyal aalah three times, he should again recite the above dua 10 times.

·        After coming up from the first sajdah, he should again recite the above dua 10 times.

·        He should then go for the second sajdah and again recite it 10 times.

·        He should get up from the second sajdah, sit and recite it 10 times.

·        After reciting it 10 times, he should stand up for the second rakat and should be offered in the same manner.

·        When he sits after the second rakaat for At-tahiyyat, he should recite this dua 10 times first and then recite At tahiyyat.

If it is possible, try to offer this Salah daily. If it cannot be offered daily, then once a week, if not, then once a month, if not then once a year. Even if that is not possible, then at least once a lifetime. However, it should be borne in mind that it is not necessary to read it on Shabe Barat.


Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta, Birmingham.

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