What Is the Status of Cupping in Islam

CategoriesMedical & Health & Beauty [141]

Fatwa ID: 04665

Answered by: Mufti Muhammad Imad Ali




What is the status of cupping /hijama in Islam? Is it a ‘forgotten’ Sunnah? In which case is its revival a commendable act worthy of great potential reward or would it now be seen as an outdated therapy that no longer applies given the advances of modern medicine?


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful





Regarding your questions, hijamah also known as ‘cupping’ is when blood is drawn out of the body by a vacuum from a small skin incision for therapeutic purposes.


Hijamah is a Sunnah of the Holy Prophet PBUH. It is an act which the Holy Prophet Pbuh himself had performed in his lifetime. There are many Ahaadeeth to support this.


Sayyidna Abdullah Ibn Masood narrates that the Holy Prophet PBUH narrated the account of the night of ascension to the heavens and disclosed, “I did not pass by any section of the angels but they instructed me to command my ummah to have themselves cupped.” (Sunan Tirmidhi p 25 v 2)


From the above Hadeeth, we come to learn a great virtue of cupping, so great that even the Angels have advised us to do Hijamah.


Cupping/Hijaamah can be applied in places where one is in pain. Cupping beneath the chin relieves pain in the teeth and face, cupping in the legs is good for boils on the thighs and for gout and piles and irritation in the back. The benefits of cupping are even more than I stated even twice as much. (See Imam Jalal Uddin Suyuti  work, the medicine of the Prophet.)


Hadhrat Anas (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) reports that Rasulullah Pbuh said, ‘The best medicine is cupping.’ (Shamaail, Chapter of Cupping)


Here we can conclude that Hijaamh is no doubt a great Sunnah of the Holy Prophet PBUH but it is not a Waajib (Obligatory) act in Shariah and never ever will Hijamah be seen as an outdated treatment because these Hadeeth are for all times.



Only Allah knows best.

Written by Mufti Muhammad Imad Ali

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham



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