What should a woman do if she is continuously bleeding throughout the month?

CategoriesWomen's Issues [308]

Fatwa ID: 02830

Answered by: Moulana Tahsin Alam​


Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

I have a personal issue that I'm struggling with. I have a few health issues one of them being a severe imbalance of female hormones which means I am in a state of menstrual bleeding the entire month. According to the fatwas on your website, I understand I should treat this bleeding as an illness rather than monthly menstruations and therefore offer my prayers and recitations as normal which I have been doing so but my issue is in regards to wudhu. I understand I should complete wudhu before every prayer but sometimes after prayer, I usually recite Quran so firstly would I need to repeat wudhu before reciting the Quran?

Secondly, there are times in between namaz for example between sunnah and farz I am called away or need to tend to my young disabled child so when coming back to complete my salah would I need to offer wudhu again?

Thirdly is there a specific time limit on the expiration of wudhu in someone with my condition?

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

Haid (menstruation) is of three days minimum and 10 days maximum.

Tuhr (purity period) is of 15 days minimum with no maximum.


A woman who experiences bleeding for a duration, less or more than the stipulated period above, is considered to be in Istihada.

She is generally from among two types:-

1. Mubtadi’ah (one with an irregular occurrence): A woman who has completed 10 days haidh but whose blood has not stopped. She will be considered to be ma’dhoor (excused) and will make wudu for every salah during the irregular bleeding.

2. Mu’tadah (one with a habitual occurrence): A woman who has a fixed menstrual cycle every month. She will be considered to be ma’dhoor (excused) after her regular menstrual cycle and will make wudu for every salah during the irregular bleeding.[1]

A women in Istihada is considered ma’dhur (excused by the Shariah) for which there are certain rulings:-

  1. She will make wudhu for every salah whilst being ma’dhur.
  2. Her wudhu will remain for the entirety of the time of salah, i.e. if she made wudhu for Zuhr time then her wudhu will remain till the end of Zuhr and she will need to re-do her wudhu again for Asr and will remain until Maghrib time.
  3. She may read Qur’an, do dhikr and other acts of worship with that same wudhu.
  4. Her wudhu will break by any hadath (i.e. urination, passing wind and bleeding) apart from the illness she is experiencing; in your case irregular bleeding.[2]


Only Allah Ta'ala knows best.


Written by Moulana Tahsin Alam

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham




[1]Ibn Abideen, RadulMuhtaar Ala Ad-DurilMukhtaar (Dhaka: MaktabatulAzhar) volume 1 pg. 521.

[2]Mufti AashiqIlahi, Tas’heel al-Daruri (Karachi: MaktabahBushra, 2011) pg. 33.

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